This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module is able to automatically create taxonomy terms for you when an entity, of any type, is being created.


  • Configure per vocabulary if taxonomy terms should be automatically created.
  • Pick your entity type(s) on which taxonomy terms should be created.
  • Configure per entity type's bundle what the name of your taxonomy term should be. This field supports Tokens.
  • Optionally configure per entity type's bundle what the parent taxonomy term of the newly created taxonomy term should be.
  • Optionally configure per entity type's bundle to keep taxonomy terms in sync. This means, that when the entity that caused the creation of the taxonomy term is being updated, the taxonomy term will be updated aswell.


  1. Create a taxonomy vocabulary.
  2. Navigate from your vocabulary to "Automatic Taxonomy Terms" which is available under /admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/{vocabulary_name}/automatic-taxonomy-terms.
  3. Choose your entity types and save the configuration.
  4. When the page has been reloaded, configuration is available per entity type.
  5. Done! Start creating entities!


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