autologout 8.x-1.4

Bug fixes
New features

This is an incremental bug and feature release for Autologout.

The biggest change is increasing the lowest supported version to Drupal 9.2 and introducing support for Drupal 10.

All changes since 8.x-1.3:

autologout 8.x-1.3

The module does not contain any deprecated code. It is time for running it on Drupal 9 to catch initial bugs. Contains fix for:

#3127439: Add the 'core_version_requirement' key in info.yml

autologout 7.x-4.6

Bug fixes
New features

Release for fixing bugs, some typos and small new features. All issues included listed below:

autologout 8.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fix for a TypeError in Drupal\autologout\AutologoutManager::construct() which triggers a fatal error when using redirect_404 module (sub module of redirect).

Issue fixed in:
#3124684: TypeError in Drupal\autologout\AutologoutManager::construct()

autologout 8.x-1.1

Bug fixes
New features

New release for D8 version which adds new features and fixes bugs. Contains following issues:

autologout 8.x-1.0

No major issues reported for RC2 expect for a some coding standard issues and a bug which are fixed.

First stable release for D8 version of the module. Contains the following fixes after RC2:

autologout 8.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Mainly contains bug fixes and improvements.

Changes since 8.x-1.0-rc1

autologout 8.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes

First release candidate for Drupal 8!
Solves multiple issues and has all tests passing.

Issues resolved since beta1.

autologout 8.x-1.0-beta1

First beta release of the module. The module is tested and working as expected.
Warning: This release is not yet ready for production. More testing is necessary.

autologout 7.x-4.1

Bug fixes

Numerous fixes backlogged over the last 6 months.

autologout 7.x-5.x-dev

New features

New Branch, combining some features of -2.x branch and -4.x branch. As well as adding a reset button to the autologout block.

autologout 7.x-4.x-dev

New features

This is the upgraded version of the 6.x-4.x branch, it includes all the old features as well as some new features. Such as configurable timeout times based on Role/User. This new version is for drupal 7.x

autologout 6.x-4.0

New features


This is more or less a complete rewrite of this module. After a given timeout has passed, users are given a configurable session expired prompt. They can reset the timeout, logout, or ignore it in which case they'll be logged out after a the padding time has elapsed. This is all backed up by a server side logout if js is disable or bypassed. Initial development of the 6.x-4.x branch, and this release, is sponsored by Intel.

autologout 6.x-4.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

This is more or less a complete rewrite of this module. After a given timeout has passed, users are given a configurable session expired prompt. They can reset the timeout, logout, or ignore it in which case they'll be logged out after a the padding time has elapsed. This is all backed up by a server side logout if js is disable or bypassed.

This now includes all the new features from the 7.x.4.x branch. Marked by a bold asterisk.

autologout 6.x-2.4

Bug fixes

A lot of stability/regression fixes from 6.x-2.3 release (especially import to users
of organic groups and locale modules).

autologout 6.x-2.3

Security update

Security release for a cross-site scripting vulnerability (SA-CONTRIB-2009-114).

autologout 6.x-1.7

Security update

Security release for a cross-site scripting vulnerability (SA-CONTRIB-2009-114).

autologout 6.x-1.6

New features
  • #268454, added 'You have been logged out' to the translation function.
  • #268454, added more translations strings.
  • update some translation strings
  • fixed issue [#271519]
  • Change strings for consistency in naming conventions as per issue [#268316]
  • changed module name for better consistency
  • coding standards, as per Code Review module

autologout 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

#362733 by redpuma, fixes call to undefined db_num_rows().

NOTE: This release is probably missing some translation strings. If you are using the translations, you probabaly want the --1 branch instead.

autologout 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-0:

  • #326691 by deekayen - hook_user() being called without uid is throwing PHP notices

autologout 6.x-2.0

New features

New Feature "One Session"

One Session allows the Administrator to define by role which users can have multiple sessions at a time.

If One Session is enforced the User is restricted to one session. If a restricted user logs on the sessions table is checked, if the users is found to have other sessions: those sessions are set inactive, the user is notified and the event is written to the log.

If a user is in a restricted role and a role that is unrestricted, the One Session feature has no effect.

autologout 6.x-1.5

New features

#248442, Polish translation from sir_kula.

autologout 6.x-1.3

New features

Support for new js countdown timer module. Added logout message and logout url.

autologout 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

I think we have all the bugs out, it not let me know.

autologout 6.x-1.1-beta

New features

added time sync between client and server for the latest countdown timer.

autologout 5.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

Fixes IE compatibility problems with versions of IE before 7.0.5730.13 where the page cannot be loaded because 'The website encountered problems'. To do this we removed the javascript in the module and added compatibility with Javascript Countdown Timer as a helper module. Automated Logout will work without the helper module but will not be able to provide a countdown timer.

autologout 6.x-1.0-beta

New features
Bug fixes

Automated Logout has been ported to Drupal core 6. We have moved to using Javascript Countdown Timer for the countdown block, this has fixed the problem with IE not displaying the page. Therefore to view the countdown block you must have Javascript Countdown Timer installed and configured. We would appreciate hearing about any bugs you may find.


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