I'm not sure why, but I get 2 Remove Friend links within AP after a person on my site becomes a friend with someone else using UR. For some reason it appears the $user_relationships_api variable is spitting out the same information twice. I dug around a bit but all i found was some code on URs side stating...

    if (count($relationships)) {
      // Existing relationship; need remove icon/link. (Despite the foreach,
      // there should only be one.)
      foreach ($relationships as $rtid => $relationship) {
        $link_label = t('Remove @name from @rel_plural_name', array('@name' => $account->name, '@rel_plural_name' => $relationship->plural_name));
        $css_class = str_replace(' ', '-', $relationship->name) .' author-pane-link user_relationships_popup_link author-relationship-remove-icon';
        //link to remove

I'm assuming this means it's not supposed to spit out duplicate links but still does. I'm not sure if this is a UR issue or a AP issue but I'm hoping someone else with this problem has a solution. Thanks