This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Auditor is a module for providing insight into the way a Drupal site is constructed. Most other audit type modules are focused on verifying that various settings are set correctly for security or performance, but this module is designed to provide access to things that can't be ascertained easily by looking at the Drupal user interface. For example this module includes the following features:

  • Searches the system table for themes and modules that were previously installed, but whose files are missing.
  • Provide a generic count of entities for each entity type in the system. This allows you to quickly see if a module has been used.
  • Find out if a given input filter is used in any text formats.
  • Find out if a field formatter is in use.
  • Find out if a views field handler is used in any views.
  • etc

The module is easily extensible via CTools plugins, and documentation on adding new reports and audits is coming soon.

Support for running reports and audits via Drush is coming soon.

Project information
