asin 5.x-1.4

Security update

Final release before the D6 port -- this functionality will be absorbed into Amazon module.

asin 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Fixing the long-standing bugs with author handling on non-book products

asin 5.x-1.2


Adds support for ASIN-driven replacement tokens for use with Auto Nodetitles, Custom Breadcrumbs, and so on.

asin 5.x-1.1


Now, multiple ASIN fields can coexist on a single content type (a single required primary product and a multivalue related products field, for example).

asin 5.x-1.0


Initial release of the ASIN Field module. Adds an Amazon product field to CCK, and relies on AmazonTools for its API work.

asin 5.x-1.x-dev

Devel snapshot of the ASIN Field module. The latest fixes -- and the latest broken experimental bits -- are found here.

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