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The Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart distribution enables you to quickly create and evaluate a new Apigee developer portal using Drupal.

The distribution includes:

This distribution is installed using Composer. The installation instructions below use the Apigee Devportal Kickstart composer project to install Drupal core and this installation profile to create a site.



See our Get started with Kickstart documentation.

When installing Kickstart, the Edge connection settings are stored in Drupal’s configuration system which is not designed to store sensitive information. When installing Kickstart for uses other than local development, we highly recommend changing the Apigee Edge connection key provider to a more secure storage location. Learn more

Issues, Questions and Feedback

We encourage anyone with feedback, questions or issues to put in an issue into our Github issue queue.


We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. Make sure to read CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

Development is happening in our GitHub repository. The Drupal.org issue
queue is disabled, we use the Github issue queue instead.


This project, which integrates Drupal with Apigee Edge, is supported by Google.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
