I disabled and uninstalled the module, then removed these two lines from the settings file:
$conf['cache_backends'] = array('sites/all/modules/apc/drupal_apc_cache.inc');
$conf['cache_default_class'] = 'DrupalAPCCache';

No when I open a page, I get this error:
PHP Fatal error: Class name must be a valid object or a string in /var/www/linkpool.com.au/html/includes/common.inc on line 7507

If I return the two lines to the settings file, all is well.

Any ideas why this is happening?


modstore’s picture

Title: Removing $conf['cache_backends'] ... from settings causes error » SOLVED: Removing $conf['cache_backends'] ... from settings causes error

Update, finally got it working again!

The problem was, when I removed this setting, drupal was going back to the default database cache, and I still had old cached data in the table.

Running clear cache didn't fix it though, I had to delete the data manually from the cache table:
DELETE FROM `cache`;

Then to get a couple of my views working again, the standard clear cache got everything working again.

modstore’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)