This module allows you to index the node view count to Apache solr index as a custom field and let you sort SOLR results. The module requires Apache solr search module. The Apachesolr Viewcount module depends on either of the following modules to fetch the node view count:

  • Statistics module (Core module)
  • Node view count module

The user needs to select one of above choices to make the module start working. So one would be redirected to the Apachesolr Viewcount module configuration page after installing or enabling the module.

There is another important feature provided by the module: the node view count field can be used for sorting. For this purpose, you need to install Apachesolr Sort module.

This module needs also adds custom drush command, that can be run via cron to periodically (Say every 24 hours) update the SOLR index. It updates only the nodes that has got new views. So other nodes will not be updated.

Drush commands:


This module has been developed and maintained by Sivaji at KnackForge - The Drupal shop operating from Chennai, India. KnackForge offers Drupal development, consultancy, hosting and support to customers worldwide. Write to to know more.

Development of this theme is sponsored by For more Drupal qualified themes checkout Gallery.

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Allowing to work, code reviewing, functionality review

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