announcements 2.0.0-beta2

New features

Changes Since 2.0.0-beta2

  • 8a422632 - Allow for the configuration of available condition plugins based on the announcement type.

announcements 2.0.0-beta1

New features

2.0.0 Beta Release 1

Changes Since 2.0.0 Alpha 6

  • 3587cd52Add new permission for accessing announcements collection list

announcements 2.0.0-alpha6

New features

Changes Since 2.0.0 Alpha 3

  • Updated permission names and added permission for list page.

announcements 2.0.0-alpha5

Bug fixes

Changes since 2.0.0 Alpha 4

  • Exception triggered on announcement save.

announcements 2.0.0-alpha4

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 2.0.0 Alpha 2

announcements 2.0.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

2.0.0 Alpha 2

Changes Since 2.0.0 Alpha 1

  • Fix error during conditional evaluation.

announcements 2.x-dev

New features

Development Release for the 2.x versions of the Announcements module.

This release is not stable. Please use at your own risk.

announcements 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

#299776: Blocks all messed up by NancyDru - fix block code.
#288359: Date sorting options by NancyDru for MGN - add sorting options.

announcements 6.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Honor "sticky" in block. #272440: Honor the sticky attribute
Change ORDER by to include expiration date.
Added "Expired" flag on the announcements page.

announcements 5.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

Honor "sticky" in block. #272440: Honor the sticky attribute
Change ORDER by to include expiration date.
Added "Expired" flag on the announcements page.

announcements 5.x-1.0-alpha4

New features
Bug fixes

Added variable deletes to uninstall code.
Fixed typo in uninstall.
Added content delete to uninstall.
Changed dates format, added dates to full view.
Refreshed translation template.

announcements 5.x-1.0-alpha3

New features
Bug fixes

Corrected help links.
Corrected content type.
Corrected settings path.
Added default interval setting.
Corrected names in function calls.
Changed date conversion to bypass drupal calls.
#255726 by NancyDru for melsawy - fix alias case, menu name.
Clean up module info.
Improve doxygen.
Improve default announcement interval.
Better add type description.
Improved block styling.
Refreshed translation template.

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