amazon 7.x-2.0-beta4

Bug fixes

#2947127 by frmcclurg, PathsJp, zegmant, marcelovani: Warning
#2684233 by generalredneck, smitty, aharown07: Strict Warning

amazon 7.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

Bug fixes
- Fixed bug with encoding of the url
New features
- Locales (localized items) are now stored in the database
- Made number of items to be processed on cron configurable
- Added Simpletests

amazon 8.x-1.0-unstable1

New features

The Amazon Product Advertisement Drupal 8 Module is in super-duper early development. In other words "Are you a developer?" and "Do you want to contribute to the module?"

This release adds basic API functionality and a still incomplete API Test Form. It can be improved and deserves the attention of several developers to ensure correctness and project completeness.

amazon 7.x-2.x-dev

New features

August 21, 2015

The core Amazon Module has been updated to save all of the product images within the "amazon_item_image_gallery" table. The new table introduces a category and image_order column. The category column marks the first product image as primary and every other image as variant.

In addititon, the ASIN module and the new Amazon Component module integrate with the new image gallery features.

Future releses will include support for a Gallery Block and Views.

Change Log

amazon 7.x-1.0-beta7

New features

August 21, 2015

The core Amazon Module has been updated to save all of the product images within the "amazon_item_image_gallery" table. The new table introduces a category and image_order column. The category column marks the first product image as primary and every other image as variant.

In addititon, the ASIN module and the new Amazon Component module integrate with the new image gallery features.

Future releses will include support for a Gallery Block and Views.

Change Log

amazon 7.x-1.1

New features
Bug fixes

No tricks, just treats!

Long overdue, a few pesky bugs have been squashed, including adding a new feature that is also sort of a bug fix.

Happy Halloween fellow Drupalers

amazon 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes

ef9ce6f Issue #1321850 by Shawn DeArmond: Improve amazon_search presentation
5eb8dc0 Issue #1259176 by the_g_bomb: Fix Amazon Price
74613b4 Issue #1255614 by rfay: Fix 'trying to get property of non-object'

amazon 6.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

dd97af3 Issue #1043030 by cristinawithout, rfay, asb: Added Improved token support (especially for Automatic Node Titles).
92d4e0d Issue #1259176 by the_g_bomb: Fix Amazon Price
0ccdcab Issue #1239472 by rfay: Remove the option of having an empty associate tag
7016a16 Issue #1158820 by rfay: hook_requirements cannot use database
1b9683a Issue #1128032 by shawndearmond: Add ProductGroup to title in Field autocomplete
7b05254 Followup to Issue #1201750 by rfay: Fixed Amazon API secret key input not trimmed.

amazon 7.x-1.0-rc1

New features
Bug fixes

Issue #1239472 by rfay: Remove the option of having an empty associate tag
Issue #1158820 by rfay: hook_requirements cannot use database
Issue #1128032 by shawndearmond: Add ProductGroup to title in Field autocomplete
Issue #1239900 by rfay: Add a UI for devel_generate feature
Issue #1201750 by rfay: Trim amazon keys
Issue #1236890 by rfay: Fixed amazon_item().mpn field not long enough for amazon data on some ASINs.
Issue #1216240 by rfay: Fixed Remove Theatrical Release Date attribute.

amazon 7.x-1.0-beta5

Bug fixes

#1014036: Port token support to D7 by Pancho: First take on token support: Remove non-working code

amazon 6.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

6.x-1.2 release
If you were using the Customer Reviews feature in a view or otherwise, you'll
have a broken view, since Amazon has dropped customer review data from their API.
Instead, there is now a data item called "Customer reviews iframe" which is a
link to customer review information provided by Amazon suitable for placement
in an iframe.

amazon 7.x-1.0-beta4

#758630 by rfay: Views title should link to Amazon Store.
#879830 by rfay: Make amazon price work outside US
#801896 by rfay: Editorial content is double-escaped.
#944280 by rfay: Fix watchdog PDO fatal
#959810 by fragtom, rfay: Fix admin/config menu
#971820 by davidzz: Add BOOKS_1973_AND_LATER to types handled by amazon_media
by rfay: Fixed problem with "all participants" field in views
#951070 by davidzz, rfay: Make editorialreview not get key tags stripped out.

amazon 7.x-1.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Sorry - I had messed up some tpl.php files for beta2. Hope this didn't waste your time.

We should be near a stable 1.0 release, so all testing and bug reports would be appreciated.

amazon 7.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

We should be near a stable 1.0 release, so all testing and bug reports would be appreciated.

amazon 6.x-1.1

New features

- #848990: Integration with Feeds Module by rfay: Add feeds integration for ASIN field. Sponsored by Bobastream, LLC. Thanks!

amazon 7.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Initial Drupal 7 release.

Views works, filters work. Almost everything that I've tested works, but amazon_media still does not do its special-purpose theming job very well.

Note that CCK to Field updates are not yet supported for Drupal 7. (Nothing else upgrades at this point, so I doubt you'll be trying an upgrade anyway)

amazon 6.x-1.0-rc3

New features
Bug fixes

Mostly bug fixes, but 4 new features:

1. You can use an||de/etc link to an item in filters or CCK field instead of just the ASIN.
2. ISBN-13 is supported (It looks up the ASIN from Amazon)
3. Dashes are allowed now in ISBN numbers (or anywhere else)
4. Upgrading from the AmazonTools module (D5) is now supported. It's not perfect, but it's there. It requires some manual attention. See the handbook page that asb kindly put together.

If there are no problems with this release, it should become 6.x-1.0.

amazon 6.x-1.0-rc2

- #661560 by rfay: PHP 5.3 compatibility fix
- #660670 by rfay: Remove option of using author's Amazon associate ID.
- #609388 by rfay: Make Amazon item title sortable in views, check other fields.
- #622076 by rfay: invalid_asin filter should be a boolean filter or at least numeric.
- #608782 by rfay: hook_update_6006() needs to use db_add_field() not db_add_column().
- #608780 by rfay: hook_uninstall() does not uninstall all schemas and variables.

amazon 6.x-1.0-rc1

New features

#622418 by rfay: Remove the option of not storing amazon data locally.

Moving toward a 1.0 release.
These few minor items should be addressed in the 1.0 release. From there we'll start 7.0.

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta10

Bug fixes

Fix minor issues discovered during documentation and testing of Beta-9. See full documentation of the current release at

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta9

New features
Bug fixes

If there are no significant issues with this version, it will be the basis for a 1.0 release.

Please don't forget to run update.php after upgrading.

New Features

Bug fixes

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta8

New features
Bug fixes

This release had database problems, so beta9 replaces it.

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta7

Bug fixes

A number of issues fixed, including a major change to the module's requirements -- you must now set up an Amazon API account to use the module, as they require a custom API key for each site.

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta6

Bug fixes

A number of issues fixed, including a major change to the module's requirements -- you must now set up an Amazon API account to use the module, as they require a custom API key for each site.

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta5

Bug fixes

A tragically minor fix for a bug that broke views integration.

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Adds working template files for books, movies, software, and other media types, fixes a number of minor bugs, and generally moves us much closer to a final release candidate.

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta2

New features
Bug fixes

Properly handle prices and artist related data
Views integration
CCK field type rewritten to better use the CCK APIs
Input filter (ala Amazon Filter module)
Bug fixes for artist/creator data
Bug fixes for timestamping and cron updates

amazon 6.x-1.0-beta1

Initial beta release of Amazon module for Drupal 6. Offers access to a fair chunk of the Amazon Ecommerce Web Services, with local caching of data, cron-based updating of product information, and so on. Allows additional plugin modules to manage additional data and theming for specific product types (storing extra fields for DVDs or grocery items, etc). Offers a CCK field for Amazon products, simple integration with the Views module, integration with Drupal's search APIs, and an input filter for inserting product links and thumbnails into text.

Also cures cancer.

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