alt_login 2.0.3

Bug fixes

Under some circumstances the module was expecting basic_auth module to be installed

alt_login 2.0.0-beta1

New features

This module has been reworked significantly since 7.x. If upgrading, do check it meets your needs.

alt_login 8.x-1.0-rc2

New features

Added new user selection plugin so it now works with autocomplete fields

alt_login 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Fixes problem with submission of an empty login form.
Initially this was considered a security vulnerability, but was then relegated to a normal bug.

alt_login 8.x-1.0-beta2

Complete reworking of the code.
Module page has been rewritten to reflect it.

alt_login 8.x-1.x-dev

New drupal 8 version very similar to old version except that we choose from existing fields on the user entity which to use as the alt-login. Data storage is now done by the entity. Also new feature attempts to modify the user mail templates.

alt_login 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-1:

  • add alt login validation to the user registration form.
  • fixing bad doxygen.

alt_login 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-7--1-0-BETA1:

  • add hook_update_last_removed.
  • update README for 7.x
  • remove unnecessary files array from .info file.
  • remaining 7.x updates in preparation for release.
  • clean up capitalization.
  • fix missing validation in user registration.

alt_login 7.x-1.0-beta1

First attempt at a working module for Drupal 7. Moderate testing reveals no bugs. Please test and report any issues.

alt_login 5.x-1.9

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--1-8:

  • #222852 by espie: allow swapping of login and alt_login fields.

alt_login 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--1-0:

  • #222852 by espie: allow swapping of login and alt_login fields.

alt_login 4.7.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-4-7--1-5:

  • fix notices. fix bug where new users could register w/ an existing alt login name.
  • weight alt login on user registration form so it's at the bottom of the pile of fields.

alt_login 5.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--1-7:

  • fix notices. fix bug where new users could register w/ an existing alt login name.
  • weight alt login on user registration form so it's at the bottom of the pile of fields.

alt_login 4.7.x-1.5

Bug fixes

#104167 -- alt login deleted when updating user profile

alt_login 5.x-1.7

Bug fixes

#104167 -- alt login deleted when updating user profile

alt_login 5.x-1.6

  • Japanese translation
  • load alt_login to user object on user_load().

alt_login 5.x-1.5

Make sure you visit Administer -> Access control to set the role permissions for alt login after you update to this version!

alt_login 5.x-1.3

fixed bug with alt_login var getting erroneously saved to users table 'data' column

alt_login 4.7.x-1.2

fixed bug with alt_login var getting erroneously saved to users table 'data' column

alt_login 5.x-1.2

bug fixes:

  • better validation -- can't enter same name for alt_login and username, can't edit username to an existing alt_login name
  • cleaning of users table 'data' column from some stale alt_login data

alt_login 4.7.x-1.1

bug fixes:

  • better validation -- can't enter same name for alt_login and username, can't edit username to an existing alt_login name
  • cleaning of users table 'data' column from some stale alt_login data

alt_login 5.x-1.1

Add option to disable the alt login form element on user registration forms.

Better checking for uninstall code.

alt_login 5.x-1.0

Initial Drupal 5 release of the module.


This module provides an interface that allows registered users to use a login name which is different than their username.

To use, simply enable the module, then visit the user edit page. Enter the alternate login name in the 'Alternate Login' textfield, and save.

alt_login 4.7.x-1.0

Initial 4.7 release of the module.


This module provides an interface that allows registered users to use a login name which is different than their username.

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