alerts 1.1.1

Bug fixes

Fixes a potential problem with the initial config import, and declares Drupal 11 readiness.

Contributors (1)



Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.1.0:

alerts 1.1.0

New features

Improved compatibility with Drupal 10.

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.0.1:


  • #3359788 by mandclu: Support version 3.0.0 of the Color Field

alerts 1.0.1

Bug fixes
New features

A couple of CSS tweaks for the Olivero submodule, and declared Drupal 10 readiness.

Contributors (1)



Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.0.0:

alerts 1.0.0

New features

Changes since previous release:

- updated labels and colors for default alert severity terms

Creating a stable release, since configuration kits are typically low risk for serious issues.

alerts 1.0.0-beta1

Initial re-release of this module as a Configuration Kit, ready for Drupal 9.

As such, when installed this module now creates a new content type (Alert), a related taxonomy vocabulary (Alert Severity), and a view for display the alerts. The module will automatically create three severity levels.

alerts 6.x-1.x-dev

Nightly dev release of the 6.x branch. Note all new development is happening in 7.x and may be backported here.

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