Ryan AI answers
Create a list of AI words to answer
AI support bot block, answering with links
Content search by smart bot
Results from contents
AI Support Ryan Bot block

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AI Support Bot:

Ryan AI Support Bot needs help just ask Ryan, smart and intelligent, to build your own chatbot.

Make Drupal smarter with a smart AI responder, let users feel the difference of support as it's a smart AI project, this project would be simple to add and smart to answer.

Add expected questions or words that the question would expect a specific answer or link, then add your answers or link as an answer to this question.

Use words or smart words instead of a full question, so Ryan would be smarter to answer your user/clients and would make it a better experience, for example

"How are you?" as a question, the answer would be only replied to the exact question as is. Instead, just make your expected question be "how are you" without the question mark.

Another smart question to have hi, hello, bye, yes and more chat words would be great to have in your list. and this would make your user's experience better.

You can include links in your answers for your own contents/users and more, just include Title within your answers.

You can include between keywords, to have multiple keywords with one Answer when needed for example

"hi hello hey" would answer the same, spaces around the would-be removed "no white spaces in the logic of questions"

AI support Bot would search all contents by title, and get the closest content link to the user in case if the custom questions didn't match the request question

Steps to use:
1- Enable Ai support Bot from your extended modules
2- go to /admin/config/system/ai_support_bot/config
3- Assign keywords and their answers
4- if needed increase the number of questions that you would like to have answers for
5- Save configs
6- go-to structure block layout
7- Place the block of Ai support bot from anywhere on your site
8- Save

** if you like to import our simple list, please import it after enabling the module and then go back to the config page to find all answers there

Contents search would be automatically after no answer been found within your keywords and answers, AI Support would answer depending on the titles of your contents list of 5

For example the below query for simple questions and answers for simple AI responses

INSERT INTO `ai_support_bot` (`id`, `qid`, `status`, `tag`, `words`, `answers`, `created`)
	('1', 1, 1, '', 'bye<or>bye-bye<or>don't want', 'It was nice talking to you. Have a good day, Bye.', 1608372313),
	('10', 10, 1, '', 'how are you', 'I am good, what about you?', 1608372313),
	('2', 2, 1, '', 'human', 'No, I\'m a Bot Support, Created by Sam Elayyoub to help you faster. How can I help you?', 1608372313),
	('3', 3, 1, '', 'hi', 'Hello how are you Today?', 1608372313),
	('4', 4, 1, '', 'fine', 'Good to hear so, how can I help you?', 1608372313),
	('5', 5, 1, '', 'good', 'Good to hear that you are doing good, how can I help you?', 1608372313),
	('6', 6, 1, '', 'ddkits', 'Yes, I found this link for DDKits, <a href=\"https://ddkits.com\">DDkits.com</a>, hope this helps :-) ', 1608372313),
	('7', 7, 1, '', 'google', 'Yes, Found Google.com is this what are you looking for?', 1608372313),
	('8', 8, 1, '', 'yes', 'Sound great, happy that I could help :-)', 1608372313),
	('9', 9, 1, '', 'hello', 'Hello how are you Today?', 1608372313);

Project information
