This module track logs of specific events that you'd like to review. The events performed by the users (using the forms) are saved in the database and can be viewed on the page admin/reports/audit-trail. You could use this to track the number of times the CUD (Create, Update & Delete) operations are performed by specific users.

Currently, the following sub modules of Admin Audit Trail are supported:

Admin Audit Trail User Authentication

Logs user authentication (login logout and request password).

Admin Audit Trail Block Content

Logs block content CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Comment

Logs comment CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Entityqueue

Logs entityqueue CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail File

Logs file CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Media

Logs node CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Menu

Logs menu CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Node

Logs node CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Redirect

Logs redirect CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Taxonomy

Logs taxonomy vocabulary and term CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail User

Logs user CUD events performed by the user.

Admin Audit Trail Workflows

Logs workflows events performed by the user.

The event log tracking could be easily extended with custom events.

Other helper modules:

This module is a direct fork of Events Log Track module.

Read this issue if interested why.

This module is sponsored by Vardot.


Supporting organizations: 
Initial building, ongoing maintenance and development

Project information
