This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Provides adequate password requirement when validating password fields. This module
allows admins to require a minimum strength for chosen roles. It matches Drupal's core password strength indicator. The indicator evaluates the strength of a password based on fairly basic criteria, including the length, whether it has a combination of uppercase, lowercase, punctuation, and that it does not equal the username. The strength levels are based on core's indicator levels of: weak, fair, good, and strong.

Core's strength indicator isn't great but it is adequate. And this module will ensure that the validation matches the feedback users get from the indicator.

The purpose of this module is to easy be to understand from using the UI. If you're looking for stronger passwords, try Better Passwords or Password Strength modules.

Inspiration: Backdrop CMS includes the ability to require basic password constraints that coincide with the password strength indicator. This module works in much the same way.

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