
I found lot of issues regarding this module that makes it unusable:

  • does not apply custom labels (province/state) when country field is in use
  • field help text is ignored (not displayed in node form)
  • default country is always U.S. (as far I can see, a field for variable "addresses_default_country" is not present in settings form)
  • missing views integration
  • and, after all, country data is not correctly saved when using "top countries" and any of them is selected, it uses the "top_" prefix value as country code, so "to" country (Tonga) is selected

Yes, there are some patches for some of this issues, but still not ported into """stable""" release, makes people spent lot of time searching for patches, and patching module code in order to get it usable.

That's all my experience with this module, I only need country and province/state support so I did not test rest of fields/functionality.


tstackhouse’s picture

I can confirm this item first hand:

* and, after all, country data is not correctly saved when using "top countries" and any of them is selected, it uses the "top_" prefix value as country code, so "to" country (Tonga) is selected

The top countries feature is completely unusable in this instance.

AlexisWilke’s picture

I agree that 1.10 is still quite a bit of a mess. So were all the previous releases. Note that one way to avoid the problem with the top countries is to not use it.

This being said, I will soon create a version 1.11 which includes many fixes, the top countries being one of them...

Thank you.
Alexis Wilke