acquia_search 3.2.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

This is the first beta release of Acquia Search 3.2.

Acquia will be posting more details here regarding the changes and how customers can use this beta to fix some issues being seen with multiple cores per site and readonly mode not being respected.

As with any beta, DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION unless you know the risks!

acquia_search 3.2.x-dev

The 3.2 branch introduces major new features when it comes to search core selection on Acquia Search.

acquia_search 3.1.11

Bug fixes

This is a bugfix release for Acquia Search
Major fixes include correct identification of search cores on ACSF and a mysql locking issue when performing requests on large search indexes.

Contributors (2)

japerry, secretsayan


Issues: 8 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.10:

acquia_search 3.1.10

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix for Acquia Search, fixing an issue caused by checking for locking before caching.

No other changes were made between 3.1.9 and 3.1.10.

acquia_search 3.1.9

Bug fixes


Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.8:

  • DIT-1327 Ensure loaded indexes are always processed for read-only
  • ORCA-524: Adding PHP 8.2 tests

acquia_search 3.1.8

Bug fixes

Add a summary here

Contributors (2)

japerry, mglaman


Issues: 5 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.7:

acquia_search 3.1.7

Bug fixes

Contributors (3)

amangrover90, ankitv18, mglaman


Issues: 9 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.6:

acquia_search 3.1.6


Changes since 3.1.5:


  • DIT-1140: Move default search index and view into acquia_search_defaults submodule. (#3344029)

acquia_search 3.1.5

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix release for Acquia Search.

Contributors (2)

mglaman, rakshith.thotada


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.4:

acquia_search 3.1.4

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bug release for Acquia Search that fixes some edge cases found by customers in the new 3.1 minor release.


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.3:

acquia_search 3.1.3

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bug release for Acquia Search that fixes some edge cases found by customers in the new 3.1 minor release.


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.2:

acquia_search 3.1.2

Bug fixes

This is a bugfix followup to the 3.1.1 release. It addresses bugs when upgrading from 3.x


Issues: 5 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.1:

acquia_search 3.1.1

Bug fixes

This is a bugfix followup to the 3.1.0 release. It fixes a few critical bugs where search cores could not be found in certain cases.

Contributors (1)



Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.1.0:

acquia_search 3.1.0

Bug fixes

This is the first full stable release of Acquia Search 3.1

While this is a minor release, the backend of the connector code has been extensively rewritten. The biggest change is working closer with Acquia connector 4.x, which is required (again) with Acquia Search.

Not much has changed since the 3.1.0-rc1, with the exception of last minute hotfixes, described below.

acquia_search 3.0.9

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix to 3.0.8 that reverts one commit:

Revert "Issue #3316883 by nkoporec: Remove usage of PSR-18 adapter to support Guzzle 6 and 7"
This reverts commit 413a91d82828dd90f3182d7fd520d682b612b010.

Note, this will mean customers must upgrade to 3.1.0 or above to be compatible with Drupal 10.

acquia_search 3.0.8

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bug release of Acquia Search 3.0.x. Its main purpose is to integrate better with Acquia Connector 3.x and 4.x releases.

All issues fixed since 3.0.7:

  • DIT-934: Support Connector values from 3.x and 4.x (#38)
  • Issue #3316883 by nkoporec: Remove usage of PSR-18 adapter to support Guzzle 6 and 7

acquia_search 3.1.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

The 3.1.0 version of search is a code rewrite that optimizes Acquia Search queries and works with the new Acquia Connector 4.0.0

Contributors (4)

japerry, mglamanbalintpekker, nkoporec


Issues: 7 issues resolved.

acquia_search 3.0.7

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix for an issue found when attempting to move Acquia Search 3.x to Drupal 10. Since php-http/guzzle6-adapter is incompatible with Drupal 10, we moved it to 'suggested' -- this caused many customers to lose the package and get odd values and ultimately not connect to search.

This hotfix adds back the dependency, as well as potential compatibility with php-http/guzzle6-adapter v3, if this issue gets resolved:

acquia_search 3.0.6

Bug fixes
New features

This is an incremental update to Acquia Search, supporting v3 and Drupal 10


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.5:


  • Increasing curl timeout. (#22)
  • Revert Acquia CI/CD Pipeline config.
  • DIT-415: Add subscription.env as a potential core.
  • D10 Readiness v3 (#29)

acquia_search 3.1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bugfix for Acquia Search on Solr 7+. It is designed to work with the new Beta of Acquia Connector 4.x.

Changes since 3.1.0-beta1:

  • DIT-620: Add a static variable cache to server pings.

acquia_search 2.2.0-beta1

New features

This version is deprecated for all customers, except those depending on Solr 6. If you haven't switched to Search 3.x yet, do so soon as SOLR 3.x and 4.x were end of life March 1, 2022.

This is an updated version of Acquia Search v2 that works in tandem with and depends on Acquia Connector 4.x

The biggest change between 2.1.x and 2.2.x is the hard dependency on Connector 4.x. This will make it easier for customers switching environments to ensure Acquia Search is connecting to the correct Search core.

acquia_search 3.1.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

This is a new version of Acquia Search that works in tandem with and depends on Acquia Connector 4.x

The biggest change between 3.0.x and 3.1.x is the hard dependency on Connector 4.x. This will make it easier for customers switching environments to ensure Acquia Search is connecting to the correct Search core.

Other changes include rewriting the core selection system, using D9+ event subscribers and removing legacy 7.x static code.

Upgrading for 3.0.x to 3.1.x should work seamlessly with updb.

acquia_search 2.1.x-dev

New features

This is a rewrite based on the 3.1.x version of Acquia Search that is compatible with Acquia Connector 3.1 and above.

Use this module if you're currently working on upgrading from Solr3/4 to 7 or currently use Solr6 on the Acquia Platform.

acquia_search 3.1.x-dev

New features

This branch makes Acquia search compatible with Acquia Connector 3.1.x

acquia_search 3.0.5

New features

This release of Acquia Search v3 is to support automatic D7 to D9 migration of Acquia Search when using Solr7.

No other changes have been made since the last release, 3.0.4.

acquia_search 2.1.26

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bugfix for Acquia Search 2.x on Solr 3/4.

Important: End of life for Search v2 is March 1, 2022 Upgrade to Solr7 today!

Changes since 2.1.25:

  • Issue #3218413 by mallezie, japerry: Allow dev versions of search_api_solr_multilingual to be used
  • Issue #3202247 by japerry, Srihari Manepally: Cannot connect to solr server after upgrading Acquia Connector to 3.0.1
  • DIT-310: Throws exception when disable_auto_switch enabled.
  • DIT-264: update derived_key_salt key value on subscription change.

acquia_search 3.0.4

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix to backport the changes with event dispatchers in v3.0.3 to work with Drupal 8.9.

No other changes have occurred since the 3.0.3 release.

acquia_search 3.0.3

Bug fixes

This is a hotfix making Acquia Search v3 compatible with Search API Solr 4.1.12. No other changes have been made since 3.0.2.

acquia_search 2.1.25

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bugfix release for Acquia Search on Solr 6.x and below.

Important: always make sure to use composer update/require to bring in any new module dependencies

Fixes to various issues here:
DIT-260: Create a TimeoutAware PSR18 Adapter for Guzzle clients. (Search v2) (#8)
DIT-263: Backport drush commands from acquia_search-3.x to 2.x (#7)
DIT-262: Fix override connection core.

acquia_search 3.0.2

Bug fixes

This is an incremental bug release for Acquia Search on Solr7+

Important: always make sure to use composer update/require to bring in any new module dependencies

This release fixes the following issues:
DIT-260: Create a timeoutaware psr18 adapter to get around remote stream wrapper issues.
DIT-236: Search config migration and test case.
DIT-258: Update more like this queries to Solr 7 Standards.

acquia_search 3.0.1

Bug fixes

This release of Acquia Search is the same as 3.0.0, except for a change in Composer that doesn't replace 'acquia_search_solr' due to a conflict bug with earlier composer versions and search_api_solr.

The changelog from 3.0.0 is the same and added here for reference:

Important: Beta customers using Acquia Search Solr should upgrade to this module instead! See the Acquia Search Solr 3.0.0 release notes for more details

acquia_search 2.1.24

Bug fixes
New features

This is the first iteration of Acquia Search v2 with Semantic versioning. 2.1.24 is equal to the old 8.x-1.24 version that exists in Acquia Connector.

With this release, Acquia Search now lives in its own module. Please make sure when upgrading to this version to use composer

composer require drupal/acquia_connector:^3 drupal/acquia_search:^2

After clearing caches (including Drupal and optionally opcache like APC), your site should work as it did with the 1.x version of Acquia Connector.

acquia_search 3.0.0-rc1

New features

This is a copy of the RC from Acquia Search Solr. The biggest changes from the old module and this one is renaming of classes and files to match the v2 upgrade.

acquia_search 2.0.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

With the move to semantic versioning this is eqivilent to the search modules in the 1.24 version of Acquia Connector.

acquia_search 3.x-dev

New features

This is the main branch for v3, branched off of the old acquia_search_solr project.

acquia_search 2.x-dev

New features

This is a mirror of the 1.x branch from the Acquia Connector

acquia_search 6.x-1.5703

Removed the PEM file for easier upgrading for those that were unable to update the acquia_connector. When using the Acquia Connector 6.x-2.14 or higher there is no need to upgrade.

acquia_search 6.x-1.5702

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-1.5701:

  • #1791838 by pwolanin: stop altering update status for apachesolr

acquia_search 6.x-1.5700

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-1.5699:

  • #1722392 by Nick_vh, pwolanin: Allow Acquia Search to insert alternative url
  • #1668402 by Nick_vh: Fixed Validate POST response.
  • Utilize new timout params for acquia_agent_http_request() from #1426178

acquia_search 6.x-3.0

Bug fixes

#1720712 by Nick_vh: Allow Acquia Search to insert alternative url.
#1702636 by Nick_vh: Fixed Acquia Search not correctly handling exported environments.
#1698664 by Nick_vh: Backport for Add a drush command to Save Keys.
#1677418 by Nick_vh | pwolanin: Added Support multiple search environments for the same AN subscription.

acquia_search 6.x-1.5699

Bug fixes

This corresponds to the version released with Acquia Drupal 1.2.41

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