I've got a setup that already uses sf_queue and I'm now trying to get Webform integration working with this sandbox module. This module has its own version of cron export, but the existing implementation of sf_queue doesn't allow you to choose which fieldmaps the queue is used with, it's kind of all or nothing. For this reason, I think when using sf_queue and this module in conjunction, it's best to set Webform export to "on submission" and let sf_queue handle the storage and eventual syncing of the data.

Now sf_webform_export already correctly calls salesforce_api_pre_export hooks, which sf_queue uses to grab the object data and store it for later sync during the cron. However, when sf_queue_salesforce_api_pre_export returns FALSE (meaning DO NOT CONTINUE), sf_webform_export also returns FALSE, which actually means EXPORT FAILED in that context.

This results in a situation where sf_queue successfully queues the object for export (and later on successfully exports the data), but an error is logged in the dblog to the effect that the webform export failed.

The simple fix, simply make the return on ~line 802 return TRUE instead of just <code>return.