125 pass

DrupalCI console output and artifacts are no longer available from dispatcher.drupalci.org. Use GitLab CI instead

All classes passed!
- setUp
- testAddressComparison
- setUp
- testCheckoutAjax
- ucPostAJAX
- setUp
- testAttributeAddToCart
- setUp
- testAttributeAPI
- testAttributeUIAddAttribute
- testAttributeUISettings
- testAttributeUIEditAttribute
- testAttributeUIDeleteAttribute
- testAttributeUIAttributeOptions
- testAttributeUIAttributeOptionsAdd
- testAttributeUIAttributeOptionsEdit
- testAttributeUIAttributeOptionsDelete
- testAttributeUIClassAttributeOverview
- showVar
- testAttributeUIClassAttributeAdd
- testAttributeUIClassAttributeOptionOverview
- testAttributeUIProductAttributes
- testAttributeUIProductOptions
- testAttributeUIProductAdjustments
- testProductAttribute
- checkout
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- setUp
- testCartAPI
- testCart
- testCartMerge
- testDeletedCartItem
- testMaximumQuantityRule
- testCheckout
- checkout
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- testCheckoutNewUsername
- testCheckoutBlockedUser
- testCheckoutLogin
- testCheckoutComplete
- testCheckoutRoleAssignment
- testCartOrderTimeout
- testCustomerInformationCheckoutPane
- setUp
- testCartLinksUISettingsPage
- testCartLinksBasicFunctionality
- testCartLinksProductActionMessage
- setCartLinksUIProductActionMessage
- testCartLinksAllowEmptying
- setCartLinksUIAllowEmptying
- testCartLinksRestrictions
- setCartLinksUIRestrictions
- setCartLinksUIRedirect
- testCartLinksMessages
- setCartLinksUIMessages
- testCartLinksTracking
- setUp
- testAddToCartRedirect
- testMinimumSubtotal
- testEmptyCart
- testContinueShopping
- testCartBreadcrumb
- setUp
- testCatalogRepair
- setUp
- testEnableCheckout
- testAnonymousCheckout
- setUp
- testCountries
- setUp
- configureCreditCard
- configureGateway
- testSecuritySettings
- testCheckout
- checkout
- tearDown
- testExpiryDate
- setUp
- configureDownloadDirectory
- testFilePurchaseCheckout
- checkout
- findMail
- tearDown
- setUp
- testOrderAPI
- testOrderEntity
- testEntityHooks
- testOrderCreation
- ucCreateOrder
- testOrderEditing
- setUp
- testPaymentMethodOptions
- testOrderTotalPreview
- testFreeOrders
- setUp
- testProductKitNodeForm
- testProductKitDiscounts
- testProductKitMutability
- setUp
- testProductNodeForm
- testProductClassForm
- testProductQuantity
- setUp
- createQuote
- testNoQuote
- testQuote
- ucPostAJAX
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- setUp
- testRolePurchaseCheckout
- checkout
- findMail
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- testRoleAdminDelete
- setUp
- testProductStock
- testStockDecrement
- checkout
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- testStockThresholdMail
- setUp
- testInclusiveTaxes
- testStoredTaxDisplay
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- testTaxProductClassUpdate

46 coding standards messages

line 17A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: )
232Case breaking statement indented incorrectly; expected 6 spaces, found 4
275Missing parameter type
277Separate the @param and @return sections by a blank line.
277Return type missing for @return tag in function comment
329Closing parenthesis of array declaration must be on a new line
338Missing parameter type
340Missing parameter type
343Return type missing for @return tag in function comment
399Missing parameter type
448Missing parameter type
451Return type missing for @return tag in function comment
492Missing parameter type
516Missing parameter type
519Return type missing for @return tag in function comment
561Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
561There should be no white space after an opening "{"
561Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 102 characters
561Comments may not appear after statements
564Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
564There should be no white space after an opening "{"
564Comments may not appear after statements
567Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
567There should be no white space after an opening "{"
567Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 85 characters
567Comments may not appear after statements
570Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
570There should be no white space after an opening "{"
570Comments may not appear after statements
575Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
575There should be no white space after an opening "{"
575Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 107 characters
575Comments may not appear after statements
578Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
578There should be no white space after an opening "{"
578Comments may not appear after statements
581Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
581There should be no white space after an opening "{"
581Comments may not appear after statements
585Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 98 characters
585Comments may not appear after statements
601Missing parameter type
603Missing parameter type
606Return type missing for @return tag in function comment
643A cast statement must be followed by a single space
663Missing parameter type

ubercart 7.x-3.x-dev branch result


27 Dec 2017 at 02:18 UTC