473 pass, 3 fail

DrupalCI console output and artifacts are no longer available from dispatcher.drupalci.org. Use GitLab CI instead

fail: [Other] Line 76 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/common_syndication_parser.test:
Value '' is equal to value 'http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010axbz.php'.
fail: [Other] Line 117 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/common_syndication_parser.test:
Value 'http://www.example.com/node/1281496#comment-11669575' is equal to value ''.

fail: [Other] Line 117 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/common_syndication_parser.test:
Value 'http://www.example.com/node/1281496#comment-10080648' is equal to value ''.

fail: [Other] Line 117 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/common_syndication_parser.test:
Value 'http://www.example.com/node/1281496#comment-10062564' is equal to value ''.
- setUp
- _testRSS10
- _testRSS2
debug: [Debug] Line 108 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test:
array (
  'private://feeds/in_progress/FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633709' => 
     'uri' => 'private://feeds/in_progress/FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633709',
     'filename' => 'FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633709',
     'name' => 'FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633709',

debug: [Debug] Line 108 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/feeds_fetcher_http.test:
array (
  'private://feeds/in_progress/FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633723' => 
     'uri' => 'private://feeds/in_progress/FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633723',
     'filename' => 'FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633723',
     'name' => 'FeedsHTTPFetcherResult1509633723',
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- testFormValidation
- testHttpRequestUsingFileCache
- testRefetchWhenCachedFileIsRemoved
- testNoRefetchOnSameRequest
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testHTTPCacheDisabled
- testHTTPCacheOverride
- testCachedFilesCleanupOnHTTPCacheOverride
- testCachedFilesCleanupQueue
- testSourceCaching
- testChangedSource
- testNonWritableCacheDirectory
- setUpMultipleCronRuns
- testImportSourceWithMultipleCronRuns
- testAbortImportWhenTemporaryFileIsDeleted
- testFeedsHTTPFetcherResultGetRaw
fail: [Completion check] Line 70 of sites/all/modules/feeds/tests/feeds_rules.test:
The test did not complete due to a fatal error.
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testRetrieveTitleFromFeed
- setPlugin
- testRequiredNodeTitleWithCSVParser
- testWithContentTypeWithoutTitle
- testSwitchToAttachToContentType
- testSwitchToStandaloneForm
- setUp
- testMbstringExtensionDisabled
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- testEncodingFailure
- testGetTemplate
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- test
- testInvalidVocabulary
- testParentTargetByGUID
- testParentTargetByName
- testReplaceTerms
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- test
- importFile
- removeMappings
- feedsLoginUser
- testUidTarget
- testUidUpdating
- testRoleTargetWithoutRoleCreation
- testRoleTargetWithRoleCreation
- testRoleTargetRids
- testRoleTargetWithAllowedRoles
- testRoleTargetRevokeRoles
- testRoleTargetNoRevokeRoles
- testAdditionalRolesSetting
- testAdditionalRolesSettingWithRoleTarget
- testAdditionalRolesSettingWhenReplacingUsers
- testMD5
- testSha512
- testTimezoneTarget
- testUser1ProtectionWhenDeletingNonExistent
- testUser1ProtectionWhenDeletingAll
- testInvalidUsername
- testUserNameAlreadyTaken
- testMailAlreadyTaken
- setUp
- test
- setUp
- testUrlParseError
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- testGetFeedsItemProperty
- testGetFeedsItemPropertyNoFeedsItem
- testGetFeedsItemPropertyNewEntity
- testGetFeedsItemPropertyNewEntityNoFeedsItem
- setUp
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- test
- setUp
- importFile
- test
- setUp
- importFile
- test
- setUp
- importFile
- test
- setUp
- testGetRaw
- testGetFilePath
- testGetFeedsInProgressDir
- testConstructFilePath
- testRawExists
- testFileExists
- testGetFileContents
- testSaveRawToFile
- testSanitizeRaw
- testSanitizeRawOptimized
- testSanitizeFile
- testSerializing
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testPublicFiles
- testPrivateFiles
- importFile
- testRemoveFileAfterImport
- testRemoveFileAfterImportInBackground
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- testHookConfigDefaults
- setPlugin
- testHookPluginTypeConfigDefaults
- setUp
- testGet
- testGetMultiple
- testSet
- testClear
- testClearMultiple
- testClearExpired
- testClearExpiredUsingCacheLifeTime
- testClearAll
- testClearUsingWildcard
- testIsEmpty
- testSaveFile
- testSaveFileException
- testHTTPRequestFindFeeds
- testProtectedPages
- testHTTPRequestCreateAbsoluteUrl
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- createContentType
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testAvailableProcessorLanguageSetting
- importFile
- testWithLanguageMappingTarget
- testDisabledLocaleModule
- testUninstalledLocaleModule
- testImport
- testChangedLanguageImport
- testDisabledLanguage
- testRemovedLanguage
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testAvailableProcessorLanguageSetting
- importFile
- testDisabledi18nTaxonomyModule
- testUninstalledi18nTaxonomyModule
- testImport
- testChangedLanguageImport
- testDisabledLanguage
- testRemovedLanguage
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- test
- setUp
- test
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- setUp
- test
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- testTimezoneMappingOption
- testClearOutValues
- setUp
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- test
- testClearOutValues
- testTextFieldValidation
- testTextFieldValidationWithoutNodeTitle
- testTextFieldValidationForTaxonomyTerms
- testTextFieldValidationForUsers
- testCardinalityValidation
- setUp
- downloadExtractSimplePie
- requireSimplePie
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- test
- createContentTypeWithFileField
- testFileExistsRename
- testFileExistsReplace
- testFileExistsRenameIfDifferent
- testFileExistsReplaceIfDifferent
- testFileExistsSkip
- testImages
- testInvalidFileExtension
- testClearOutValues
- setUp
- createContentType
- test
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- testWithLimitedPrivileges
- testTaxonomyDescriptionTextFormat
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- test
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- setUp
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- test
- setPlugin
- importFile
- testClearOutValues
- setUp
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- testClearOutValues
- setUp
- addLanguage
- createContentType
- setupMultilingual
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- testMultilingualFieldMappings
- testChangedLanguageImport
- testChangedLanguageImportForExistingNode
- testWithDisabledEntityTranslationModule
- testWithUninstalledEntityTranslationModule
- testDisabledLanguage
- testRemovedLanguage
- testAutocreatedTermLanguage
- testClearOutValues
- testClearOutValuesWithDisabledLanguage
- setUp
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- test
- importFile
- removeMappings
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- testNodeAlias
- testTermAlias
- setUp
- test
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testInheritTaxonomy
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- testSearchByName
- removeMappings
- testSearchByID
- testSearchByGUID
- setPlugin
- importFile
- testBlankSourceValues
- testMissingVocabulary
- testClearOutValues
- setUp
- createContentType
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- importFile
- test
- setUp
- testInstallationAndUninstallation
- uninstallFeeds
- testJobsRemovalOnUninstall
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- test
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- test
- editFeedNode
- importURL
- testFeedURLValidation
- testOddFeedSchemes
- testNonFeedNodeUI
- testAuthorize
- testExpiry
- removeMappings
- setPlugin
- importFile
- testImportInBackground
- testClearInBackground
- testSkipNewItems
- testUidTargetWithFloat
- testChangedTarget
- testPushImport
- testPushImportWithCSV
- testIrrelevantUpdate
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- initSyndication
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- testSchedulingWithDisabledImporter
- testScheduling
- testRescheduling
- testNextImportTime
- testNextImportTimeWhenQueuedViaBackgroundJob
- setPlugin
- importFile
- testNextImportTimeWhenQueuedViaJobScheduler
- testBatching
- testCleanUpJobsForNonExistingFeeds
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- test
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testProgrammaticImport
- setUp
- downloadExtractSimplePie
- test
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- setPlugin
- createFeedNode
- getNid
- createContentType
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testRSSSourceElement
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- getCurrentMappings
- addMappings
- testFeedsTokens
- testPerformance
- setUp
- createImporterConfiguration
- setSettings
- testEditDisabledImporter
- doEditFeedsConfiguration
- testEditFeedConfiguration
- testInvalidPlugin
- testInvalidBundle
- testInvalidLanguage
- testWarningPeriodicImportAndImportOnSubmissionTurnedOff
- testWarningImportOnSubmissionTurnedOffAndProcessInBackgroundTurnedOn
- testWarningWhenAttachImporterToContentTypeAlsoOnTheNodeProcessor
- setPlugin
- testImporterImport
- testInvalidConfigurationWhenImportingImporter
- testFeedsValidURL
- _testSimple
- _testBatching
- _testEncodingConversion
- _testEncodingConversionFailure

71 coding standards messages

line 5Function comment short description must start with exactly one space
6Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
34Expected 1 space after "=="; 2 found
55Type hint "SimpleXMLElement" missing for $xml
82Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
89Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
91Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
92Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
93Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
94Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
96Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
103Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
104A cast statement must be followed by a single space
110Multi-line assignments must have the equal sign on the second line
111Multi-line assignments must have the equal sign on the second line
130Line indented incorrectly; expected 12 spaces, found 14
131Line indented incorrectly; expected 14 spaces, found 16
144Expected 1 space after closing parenthesis; found " "
150Expected 1 space after closing parenthesis; found " "
163Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
186Line indented incorrectly; expected 6 spaces, found 7
293Invalid function name, expected _parser_common_syndication_r_df10_parse but found _parser_common_syndication_RDF10_parse
293Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
309Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
312Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
323Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
344Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 87 characters
347If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
352A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'dc:subject'
369Inline comments must start with a capital letter
369Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
381Invalid function name, expected _parser_common_syndication_r_df10_property but found _parser_common_syndication_RDF10_property
381Missing function doc comment
385Inline comments must start with a capital letter
385Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
391Invalid function name, expected _parser_common_syndication_r_df10_item but found _parser_common_syndication_RDF10_item
391Missing function doc comment
402Invalid function name, expected _parser_common_syndication_r_ss20_parse but found _parser_common_syndication_RSS20_parse
402Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
406Array indentation error, expected 4 spaces but found 5
407Array indentation error, expected 4 spaces but found 5
412Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
414Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
416Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
419Variable "feed_XML" is camel caps format. do not use mixed case (camelCase), use lower case and _
427A cast statement must be followed by a single space
428A cast statement must be followed by a single space
429A cast statement must be followed by a single space
442Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
442There should be no white space after an opening "{"
442Comments may not appear after statements
447Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
447There should be no white space after an opening "{"
447Comments may not appear after statements
460A cast statement must be followed by a single space
476Multi-line assignments must have the equal sign on the second line
477Multi-line assignments must have the equal sign on the second line
478Multi-line assignments must have the equal sign on the second line
498Line indented incorrectly; expected 12 spaces, found 14
499Line indented incorrectly; expected 14 spaces, found 16
612If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
615Expected 1 newline after opening brace; 0 found
615There should be no white space after an opening "{"
615Comments may not appear after statements
615Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
640Doc comment short description must end with a full stop
640Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
643Parameter comment must end with a full stop
665Doc comment short description must end with a full stop
57Avoid backslash escaping in translatable strings when possible, use "" quotes instead
102The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it

feeds 7.x-2.x-dev branch result


2 Nov 2017 at 14:46 UTC