45 pass

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All classes passed!
- setUp
- testDateAPI
- setUp
- createDateField
- dateForm
- deleteDateField
- setUp
- testDateForm
- setUp
- testDateImport
- setUp
- testDateRepeatForm
- createDateField
- dateForm
- verifyDateForm
- deleteDateField
- setUp
- testDateRepeat
- setUp
- createDateField
- dateForm
- deleteDateField
- createMultiDateField
- dateMultiValueForm
- setUp
- createDateWizard
- dateForm
- testTools
- deleteDateField
- setUp
- createDateField
- dateForm
- testFieldUI
- deleteDateField
- setUp
- createDateField
- wrongGranularity
- deleteDateField
- malFormedDate
- setUp
- createDateField
- testDatePopup
- setUp
- testPagerSkipping
- testPagerWarning

73 coding standards messages

line 8Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
21All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_ISO" but found "DATE_ISO"
22All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_UNIX" but found "DATE_UNIX"
23All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_DATETIME" but found "DATE_DATETIME"
24All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_ARRAY" but found "DATE_ARRAY"
25All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_OBJECT" but found "DATE_OBJECT"
26All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_ICAL" but found "DATE_ICAL"
28All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_FORMAT_ISO" but found "DATE_FORMAT_ISO"
29All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_FORMAT_UNIX" but found "DATE_FORMAT_UNIX"
30All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME" but found "DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME"
31All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_FORMAT_ICAL" but found "DATE_FORMAT_ICAL"
32All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_FORMAT_ICAL_DATE" but found "DATE_FORMAT_ICAL_DATE"
33All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_FORMAT_DATE" but found "DATE_FORMAT_DATE"
35All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_REGEX_ISO" but found "DATE_REGEX_ISO"
36All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_REGEX_DATETIME" but found "DATE_REGEX_DATETIME"
37All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_REGEX_LOOSE" but found "DATE_REGEX_LOOSE"
38All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATE" but found "DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATE"
39All constants defined by a module must be prefixed with the module's name, expected "DATE_API_DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATETIME" but found "DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATETIME"
136Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
153A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'timezone'
297Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 81 characters
314Unknown type hint "FeedsDateTime" found for $other
383Parameter tags must be defined first in a doc comment
475Closing parenthesis of array declaration must be on a new line
800Public method name "DateObject::toISO" is not in lowerCamel format
1089The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
1183Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1205Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1208Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1256Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1292Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1672Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1745Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1749Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1753Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1757Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1762Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1768Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
1841Parameter tags must be grouped together in a doc comment
1864Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
2473Parameter comment must end with a full stop
2510Each index in a multi-line array must be on a new line
2510Each index in a multi-line array must be on a new line
2510Each index in a multi-line array must be on a new line
2510A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: NULL
2534Each index in a multi-line array must be on a new line
2534Each index in a multi-line array must be on a new line
2534A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: NULL
2944Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 82 characters
169Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 150 characters
178Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 134 characters
180Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 83 characters
182Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 169 characters
184Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 86 characters
209Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 89 characters
219Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 240 characters
252Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 82 characters
256Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 101 characters
315Closing parenthesis of array declaration must be on a new line
324Array closing indentation error, expected 2 spaces but found 4
341Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 153 characters
343Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 112 characters
361Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 113 characters
363Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 86 characters
364Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, or question marks
461Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 203 characters
463Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 192 characters
479Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 121 characters
529Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 147 characters
6Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
75If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
81Case breaking statements must be followed by a single blank line
94Case breaking statements must be followed by a single blank line

date 7.x-2.x-dev branch result


26 May 2017 at 13:27 UTC