70 pass, 2 fail

DrupalCI console output and artifacts are no longer available from dispatcher.drupalci.org. Use GitLab CI instead

- testPluginDiscovery
- testSupports
- testHandle
- testGetPluginInstances
- testGetSupportingPluginInstance
- testHandleWithoutSupportingPlugin
- testHandleWithSupportingPlugin
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- testInstalled
- simpletest_script_run_one_test
- testSearchApi
- clickLinkByParentText
- addField
- setUp
- testRelationCrudUi
- testTypeCrudUi
- setUp
- testProcessingUi
- setUp
- testShortcutEntityCapture
- testContinuousEntityReferenceCapture
- testContainerRevisions
- captureEntity
- testMultipleEntityCapture
- testRecreateEntities
- fetchWebResource
- testCompareFieldDefinition
- setUp
- testSettings
- testContainerUi
- fetchWebResource
- testFetchWebResource
- fetchNonUtf8WebPage
- testModelUi
- testModelSuggestion
- testGetTypedData
- testResolveDataUri
- testDependencies
- testValidation
- testProcessing
- testMutateAccess
- testAccess
- testProperties
- testQueries
- testDependencies
- testLoadConfigByUri
- testEvaluate
- testProperties
- testProperties
- testModelPluginListIsComplete
- testSerialization
- testContainerOperations
- testBinaryData
- testStorage
- testCaptureSeparateFieldsContainer
- testCombinedContainer
- testGet
- testPost
- setUp
- testShortcutEntityCapture
- testContinuousEntityReferenceCapture
- captureEntity
- testCompareCapturedContainers
- testSingleEntityCapture
- testMultipleEntityCapture
- testEntityCaptureCheck
- setUp
fail: [Other] Line 93 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][name:given][status] to 1

fail: [Other] Line 93 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][name:given][operator] to CONTAINS

fail: [Other] Line 93 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][contact_mail:value][status] to 1

fail: [Other] Line 93 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][contact_mail:value][operator] to =

fail: [Other] Line 93 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at admin/config/crm-core/match/individual

fail: [Other] Line 122 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[8ba407ba-95cc-4186-a712-1b5dd2a12922][settings][contact_type] to customer

fail: [Other] Line 122 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[dd64c332-ce40-47bd-ba63-462fda142df8][settings][contact_type] to customer

fail: [Other] Line 122 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at 

fail: [Other] Line 128 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[8ba407ba-95cc-4186-a712-1b5dd2a12922][settings][fields][contact_mail][model_property] to donor

fail: [Other] Line 128 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[dd64c332-ce40-47bd-ba63-462fda142df8][settings][fields][name][model_property] to recipient

fail: [Other] Line 128 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at 

fail: [Other] Line 140 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"Yoko" found

fail: [Other] Line 145 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"Mail" found

fail: [Other] Line 146 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"jlennon@example.com" found

fail: [Other] Line 154 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"Sat, 03/04/2017 - 09:41" found

fail: [Browser] Line 155 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Link Cookie does not exist on http://localhost/checkout/crm-core/activity

fail: [Other] Line 156 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Link with label Nameless # found.

fail: [Other] Line 157 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Link with label Yoko found.

fail: [Other] Line 163 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Value 2 is equal to value 0.

fail: [Other] Line 166 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Value 2 is equal to value 0.
fail: [Other] Line 229 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[89eea38d-a357-4540-b9b2-6eac7367b808][settings][contact_type] to customer

fail: [Other] Line 229 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at 

fail: [Other] Line 241 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"Customer" found

fail: [Other] Line 242 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Value 0 is equal to value 1.

fail: [Other] Line 251 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Value 0 is equal to value 1.

fail: [Other] Line 259 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][name:given][status] to 1

fail: [Other] Line 259 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][name:given][operator] to CONTAINS

fail: [Other] Line 259 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][contact_mail:value][status] to 1

fail: [Other] Line 259 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field configuration[rules][contact_mail:value][operator] to =

fail: [Other] Line 259 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at admin/config/crm-core/match/individual

fail: [Other] Line 276 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[3f3ad946-4b2f-466a-95c7-22363592dde5][settings][contact_type] to customer

fail: [Other] Line 276 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at 

fail: [Other] Line 280 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[3f3ad946-4b2f-466a-95c7-22363592dde5][settings][fields][name][model_property] to name

fail: [Other] Line 280 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Failed to set field processors[3f3ad946-4b2f-466a-95c7-22363592dde5][settings][fields][contact_mail][model_property] to mail

fail: [Other] Line 280 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Found the requested form fields at 

fail: [Other] Line 283 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
Value 0 is equal to value 1.

fail: [Other] Line 284 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"Shelley" found

fail: [Other] Line 287 of modules/contrib/collect/crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php:
"shelley@example.com" found
- testActivityProcessing
- testMailContactMatcher
- testActivityCreator

413 coding standards messages

413 more than previous result

client/collect_client.module 2 more
line 1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
75A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: )
client/contact/collect_client_contact.module 1 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
client/contact/src/Plugin/collect_client/ContactItemHandler.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
90Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
91The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
client/contact/tests/src/Kernel/ContactItemHandlerTest.php 2 more
116Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
117The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
client/src/Annotation/CollectClientItemHandler.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
7There must be one blank line after the namespace declaration
11Doc comment short description must end with a full stop
19The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
client/src/CaptureEntity.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
client/src/CollectItem.php 6 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
10Doc comment short description must end with a full stop
20Class property $schema_uri should use lowerCamel naming without underscores
28Class property $cache_key should use lowerCamel naming without underscores
29The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
client/src/Controller/CaptureEntityController.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
11Unused use statement
client/src/Form/CaptureEntityForm.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
210A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: )
236Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
237The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
client/src/Form/CollectClientSettingsForm.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
client/src/Normalizer/CollectItemNormalizer.php 3 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
36Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
37The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
client/src/Plugin/collect_client/EntityItemHandler.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
12Unused use statement
77Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 81 characters
client/src/Plugin/collect_client/ItemHandlerInterface.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
9Missing interface doc comment
client/src/Plugin/QueueWorker/CollectClientQueueWorker.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
26Doc comment short description must end with a full stop
client/tests/src/Unit/Plugin/QueueWorker/QueueWorkerTest.php 6 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
94If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
196Expected 1 space after "="; 0 found
251Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
252The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
collect.module 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
71Type hint "array" missing for $variables
197A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: )
common/collect_common.module 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
83If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
103If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
common/src/Form/CollectSettingsFormBase.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
common/src/Normalizer/DataDefinitionNormalizer.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
common/src/Normalizer/FieldDefinitionNormalizer.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
common/tests/src/Kernel/CollectCommonKernelTest.php 3 more
39A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: ]
58Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
59The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
crm/src/Plugin/collect/Processor/ActivityCreator.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
crm/src/Plugin/collect/Processor/ContactMatcher.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
74There must be no blank line following an inline comment
crm/src/Plugin/collect/Processor/MailContactMatcher.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
5Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
crm/src/Tests/ProcessContactTest.php 3 more
84A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'administer matchers'
202A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'administer matchers'
218A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'collect_json_node_article'
css/collect.default.css 6 more
9Element (td.diff-context) is overqualified, just use .diff-context without element name.
14Element (td.diff-deletedline) is overqualified, just use .diff-deletedline without element name.
15CSS colours must be defined in lowercase; expected #ffe4e1 but found #FFE4E1
17Element (td.diff-addedline) is overqualified, just use .diff-addedline without element name.
18CSS colours must be defined in lowercase; expected #dfd but found #DFD
20Element (span.diffchange) is overqualified, just use .diffchange without element name.
demo/collect_demo.install 17 more
64Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
64String concat is not required here; use a single string instead
64If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
65Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
66Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
67Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
67String concat is not required here; use a single string instead
68Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
69Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
70Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
71Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
71String concat is not required here; use a single string instead
72Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
73Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
74Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
75Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
76Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
demo/src/Tests/CollectDemoTest.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Annotation/Model.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Annotation/Processor.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Annotation/Relation.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/CaptureEntity.php 4 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
39Do not append variable name "$serializer" to the type declaration in a member variable comment
103Expected 1 blank line after function; 2 found
149Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 81 characters
src/CollectContainerInterface.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
4Doc comment short description must end with a full stop
98Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
99The closing brace for the interface must have an empty line before it
src/CollectStorage.php 2 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
10Unused use statement
src/CollectStorageInterface.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/CollectStorageSchema.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/ContainerListBuilder.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
12Missing class doc comment
27Expected 1 blank line after function; 2 found
30The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Controller/CollectContainerController.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
16Unused use statement
73If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
src/Controller/CreateEntityController.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
156A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: )
184Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
185The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Controller/CreateMissingFieldsController.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Controller/FieldDefinitionDiffController.php 5 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
17Unused use statement
39Do not append variable name "$serializer" to the type declaration in a member variable comment
88If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
129Description for the @return value is missing
src/Controller/GenerateWebPageController.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
69Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
70The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Controller/ModelController.php 5 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
12Unused use statement
16Unused use statement
129Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
130The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/CreateEntityActionLink.php 4 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
61Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
75Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
76The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Entity/Container.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
10Unused use statement
13Unused use statement
src/Entity/Model.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
26There must be exactly one blank line before the tags in a doc comment
src/Entity/Relation.php 6 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
160Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 88 characters
160Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, question marks, or closing parentheses
161Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
162Only string literals should be passed to t() where possible
src/Entity/RelationType.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
11Unused use statement
src/Event/CollectEvent.php 6 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
23Missing short description in doc comment
34Type hint "\Drupal\collect\CollectContainerInterface" missing for $submission
46Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
47The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/FetchWebResource.php 2 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
92A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'UTF-8, *'
src/Form/CaptureEntityForm.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
209A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: )
src/Form/CollectSettingsForm.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Form/FetchUrlForm.php 9 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
55Avoid backslash escaping in translatable strings when possible, use "" quotes instead
68Avoid backslash escaping in translatable strings when possible, use "" quotes instead
136Array indentation error, expected 8 spaces but found 10
137Array indentation error, expected 8 spaces but found 10
138Array closing indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
144Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
145The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Form/ModelForm.php 7 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
17Unused use statement
124Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
127Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
174Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
314Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
src/Form/ModelPropertyForm.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Form/ProcessingForm.php 6 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
9Unused use statement
18Unused use statement
93Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
122If the line declaring an array spans longer than 80 characters, each element should be broken into its own line
src/Form/RelationDeleteForm.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Form/RelationForm.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
45Expected 1 blank line after function; 2 found
48The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Form/RelationTypeDeleteForm.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
7There must be one blank line after the namespace declaration
src/Form/RelationTypeForm.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
107Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
src/Model/DynamicModelTypedDataInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Model/ModelAccessControlHandler.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Model/ModelInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Model/ModelListBuilder.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
9Unused use statement
src/Model/ModelManager.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
35Expected "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" but found "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;" for @var tag in member variable comment
src/Model/ModelManagerInterface.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
25Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 82 characters
37Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 82 characters
src/Model/ModelPluginBase.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
14Unused use statement
15Unused use statement
src/Model/ModelPluginInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Model/ModelTypedDataInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Model/PropertyDefinition.php 15 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
16Missing short description in doc comment
21Missing short description in doc comment
26Visibility must be declared on method "__construct"
26Missing function doc comment
31Missing short description in doc comment
32Description for the @return value is missing
38Missing short description in doc comment
39Missing parameter comment
41Type hint "\Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinitionInterface" missing for $data_definition
45Missing short description in doc comment
46Description for the @return value is missing
52Missing short description in doc comment
53Missing parameter comment
src/Model/SpecializedDisplayModelPluginInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Normalizer/ContainerNormalizer.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
80Type hint "\Drupal\collect\CollectContainerInterface" missing for $entity
102Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
103The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Plugin/collect/Model/CollectJson.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
14Unused use statement
78Expected "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" but found "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;" for @var tag in member variable comment
162A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: ]
src/Plugin/collect/Model/DefaultModelPlugin.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/collect/Model/FetchUrl.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
127Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
128The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Plugin/collect/Model/FieldDefinition.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/collect/Model/Json.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/collect/Processor/RelationCreatorUri.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/collect/Relation/Generic.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/DataType/CollectData.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
116Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/CollectDataFormatter.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/CollectSchemaUriFormatter.php 2 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
15Unused use statement
src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/CollectUriLinkFormatter.php 1 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/CollectUriTailFormatter.php 2 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
38A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: ]
src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/CollectDataItem.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
54Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
55The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Plugin/QueueWorker/SubmissionProcessing.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/rest/resource/CollectResource.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/search_api/datasource/CollectDatasource.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Plugin/search_api/datasource/CollectDatasourceDeriver.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
5Doc comment short description must be on a single line, further text should be a separate paragraph
src/Processor/Postprocessor.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Processor/ProcessorBase.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
9Unused use statement
34Expected "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" but found "\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;" for @var tag in member variable comment
src/Processor/ProcessorInterface.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
9Unused use statement
14Unused use statement
16Unused use statement
src/Processor/ProcessorManager.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Processor/ProcessorManagerInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Processor/ProcessorPluginCollection.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
36Arguments with default values must be at the end of the argument list
src/Query/DelegatingQueryEvaluator.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Query/QueryEvaluatorHelperInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Query/QueryEvaluatorInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Relation/RelationInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Relation/RelationPluginBase.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Relation/RelationPluginInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Relation/RelationPluginManager.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Relation/RelationPluginManagerInterface.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
12Missing interface doc comment
src/Relation/RelationTypeInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Relation/RelationTypeListBuilder.php 5 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
7There must be one blank line after the namespace declaration
68Expected 1 blank line after function; 2 found
71The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Serialization/Json.php 2 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
13Namespaced classes/interfaces/traits should be referenced with use statements
src/SuggestModelActionLink.php 3 more
3Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
72Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
73The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
src/Tests/CollectWebTest.php 8 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
175Functions must not contain multiple empty lines in a row; found 2 empty lines
268Do not concatenate strings to translatable strings, they should be part of the t() argument and you should use placeholders
285Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 82 characters
309A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'Not Found'
490Do not concatenate strings to translatable strings, they should be part of the t() argument and you should use placeholders
563Inline comments must end in full-stops, exclamation marks, colons, question marks, or closing parentheses
src/Tests/EntityWebTest.php 2 more
58A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'Use <em>articles</em> for time-sensitive content like news, press releases or blog posts.'
473A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: 'node_delete_action'
src/Tests/ProcessingWebTest.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Tests/RelationWebTest.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/Tests/SearchApiTest.php 1 more
20Missing @var tag in member variable comment
src/TypedData/CollectDataDefinition.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
77Expected 1 space after FUNCTION keyword; 0 found
src/TypedData/CollectDataDefinitionInterface.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
60Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
61The closing brace for the interface must have an empty line before it
src/TypedData/CollectDataInterface.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
src/TypedData/TypedDataProvider.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
154Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
155The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
tests/modules/collect_test/src/Plugin/collect/Model/TestModelPlugin.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
tests/modules/collect_test/src/Plugin/collect/Model/TestSpecializedDisplayModelPlugin.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
tests/modules/collect_test/src/Plugin/collect/Processor/ContextCollector.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
tests/modules/collect_test/src/Plugin/collect/Processor/Spicer.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
9Unused use statement
13Unused use statement
tests/modules/collect_test/src/Plugin/collect/Relation/Hugs.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
tests/modules/collect_test/src/Plugin/DataType/Dummy.php 2 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
tests/modules/collect_test/src/TestResponseController.php 4 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
37Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
38The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
tests/src/Kernel/CollectJsonModelTest.php 1 more
193A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: ]
tests/src/Kernel/ContainerTest.php 1 more
78Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 4 spaces, found 0
tests/src/Kernel/DependencyInjectionTest.php 6 more
3There must be one blank line after the namespace declaration
25Class property $model_plugin_ids should use lowerCamel naming without underscores
25You must use "/**" style comments for a member variable comment
49Line exceeds 80 characters; contains 85 characters
52Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
53The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
tests/src/Kernel/FetchUrlModelTest.php 2 more
67Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
68The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
tests/src/Kernel/FieldDefinitionModelTest.php 2 more
99Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
100The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
tests/src/Kernel/ModelTest.php 3 more
223Object operator not indented correctly; expected 8 spaces but found 10
265Array indentation error, expected 6 spaces but found 8
268Array closing indentation error, expected 4 spaces but found 6
tests/src/Kernel/RelationTest.php 2 more
91Expected 1 blank line after function; 0 found
92The closing brace for the class must have an empty line before it
tests/src/Unit/Plugin/rest/resource/CollectResourceTest.php 3 more
1The PHP open tag must be followed by exactly one blank line
2Namespaced classes, interfaces and traits should not begin with a file doc comment
107A comma should follow the last multiline array item. Found: queryFactory


3 Mar 2017 at 22:44 UTC
8 Jan 2017 at 13:43 UTC
23 Dec 2016 at 13:32 UTC
21 Dec 2016 at 22:39 UTC
2 Dec 2016 at 11:32 UTC
2 Dec 2016 at 10:34 UTC
9 Nov 2016 at 16:38 UTC
9 Nov 2016 at 16:36 UTC
30 May 2016 at 12:44 UTC