25 pass, 3 fail

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253Queue Runner.Queue Runner
2Queue Runner.QueueRunnerCollectorTestCase
- setUp
- testCollector
2Queue Runner.QueueRunnerEntityTestCase
- setUp
- testNode
32Queue Runner.QueueRunnerFileLogTestCase
- setUp
fail: [Other] Line 786 of sites/all/modules/queue_runner/queue_runner.test:
The correct empty message is displayed for the collector's error log page.
exception: [Notice] Line 1609 of sites/all/modules/queue_runner/queue_runner.common.inc:
Undefined variable: rows

exception: [Notice] Line 1609 of sites/all/modules/queue_runner/queue_runner.common.inc:
Undefined variable: rows
- testPaging
- testErrorLog
1Queue Runner.QueueRunnerFLockTests
- testLock
2Queue Runner.QueueRunnerFSMCollectorTestCase
- setUp
- testFSMCollector
1Queue Runner.QueueRunnerFSMTestCase
fail: [Completion check] Line 21 of sites/all/modules/queue_runner/queue_runner_fsm/tests/queue_runner_fsm.test:
The test did not complete due to a fatal error.
3Queue Runner.QueueRunnerHealthStatsTestCase
- setUp
- testRunningAverages
- testStatsPruning
6Queue Runner.QueueRunnerNestedCollectorTestCase
- setUp
- nestedCollectorCreationHelper
- testNestedParallel
- testNestedSerial
- testNestedSerialSoftFail
- testCancel
4Queue Runner.QueueRunnerNestedFSMCollectorTestCase
- setUp
- nestedFSMCollectorCreationHelper
- testParallelNestedtFSMCollector
- testParallelLoopyFSMCollector
2Queue Runner.QueueRunnerTaskTestCase
- setUp
- testRetries


17 Dec 2015 at 17:25 UTC