I have a developer D7 system and a D7 live system.

In the development system I changed the whole layout which means:
New Views, Different CS, Implementation of Panes, Implementation of Display Suite.

Now I want to migrate the content from the live system to the development system.
As this seems to be quite complicated with any of the methods which I tested I would like to give this project to someone who has experience with this.

Some information to give you an idea of the project size and the issues I see:
Project: www.electronic-festivals.com
Taxonomy type A
Approx. 15.000 taxonomies
Term Reference Fields -> with reference to other taxonomies
Link Fields
Text Fields
Integer + Boolean Fields

Nodes Type A
Approx. 2000 Nodes
Term Reference Fields -> with reference to taxonomies
Date Field
Location Field
Link Fields
Text Fields
Integer + Boolean Fields

Nodes Type B
Approx. 2000 Nodes
Relation add Fields -> Each Node has a relation to exactly one node of type A
Term Reference Fields -> with reference to taxonomies
Date Field

Several other taxonomy and node types which should be uncritical from my point of view.

1. Issue
So far I have not found a way to migrate the data in a way that all of the term references and relation still link to the correct taxonomies / nodes.

2. Issue
So far I have not found a way to migrate the location field and date field correctly.

Copy of the Live System and the Development System exists.
Project Goal: Build up a working migrate scenario for the "Drupal Migration Module".

Please only contact me if you already have experience with the migration of term references and relations.
If possible include a first guess of what we are talking about.
Is this a 1 day, 10 day, 50 day project? 100EUR, 1000EUR, 10.000EUR or even more budget needed?
Migration is planed to happen end of the month.


mchampsee’s picture

It would probably be easier to migrate code from dev to the live site rather than trying to migrate content. If you use Bulk Export (which is part of ctools), you should be able to easily enough migrate the changes you've made in views, DS, panels, etc.

Sam Moore’s picture

+! @mchampsee
Move your config settings to the production site - by hand if necessary - then if you really need the dev site to have all your content, just do a db sync back from prod -> dev.
PS do you really have 15,000 taxonomy terms? Ouch.

Electronic-Festivals.com’s picture

This seems to be even more complicated.
We developed for the last 5 month.
We have installed at least 30 new modules. Of course we also did a lot of settings on all of these.
The hole structure has been changed from views based to panels based.
We changed all of the menu structures and we created more then 30 new views.
We installed several new themes.
We created some new basic pages which we also would need to migrate the other way around.
Migrating all of that by hand would be a huge task as well.

I never would have thought that migration of content is so complicated.
I mean the structure has not changed, the fields have not changed, the Drupal version is exactly the same.
So in my opinion there is not even the need for a mapping.
But it seems my thinking was wrong here.
In the meantime I figured out some of the stuff in the migration module but I guess it still some work to do.

Sam Moore’s picture

Your views can be exported and then imported into the target site. Your content types can be migrated using Bundle Copy.
Your themes will be under the control of git if you're using version control, so those should be easy to move.
Not saying it's simple, but it's doable.

Sagar Ramgade’s picture

You could try features and strongarm module to export views, panels, theme settings etc on development site and then enabled the exported feature on your live instance.

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