I have the image module installed and working fine. I want to have a custom image content type. I have used Flexinode to do this so far but am not happy that the data is stored in serialized_data which i then need to parse.

Is there a better way of creating a custom image type? I haven't tried CCK is that worth looking at?



Zach Harkey’s picture

CCK is much better than flexinode at that kind of thing. You could also use the image_attach module (part of the image module) to add a single primary image field to any node type (including cck node types).

One downside to these custom image types is that they do not work with the image_pub.module. So as long as you don't mind manually uploading one image at a time, from here to eternity, you'll be fine.

Also, unlike flexinode, at this time you can't specify derivatives for custom cck image fields. You have to use the imagecache module for stuff like that. However, CCK will allow single, and multi-image upload fields, and if you use imagecache to create derivatives, these derivatives are even available to the views module.

harkey design

: z