I would like to prepare geocoded value from a user profile's primary address from addresses module. I have established a field for geocoded value from node content types, but not user profiles.

The reason I want geocoded value from a user profile primary address is so I can compute the distance between the user and another address.

I attempted to use Content Profile module to provide the geocoded value, however, it appears that Content Profile is rather confusing and doesn't appear too user-friendly in regards to when a new user registers on the site and must fill in information twice, once in user profile and again for "profile" tab.

Is it possible to establish geocoded values for user profiles without using Content Profile module?


mizerydearia’s picture

Perhaps this support request is more suited for http://drupal.org/node/998202

A related support request but using a different module: http://drupal.org/node/312251#comment-1098483
A related howto but using a different module: http://www.appnovation.com/proximity-search-using-views

AlexisWilke’s picture

If you can just use addresses, then you can use the Primary address of any one user. The Profile would not offer a strongly typed address information (you would not be able to as easily provide a module that works with both, Geocode and Profile.)

I would think that either a sub-module of the addresses module or a separate module would work best. Your case may be a special case if you want to only use the user primary address. That should probably be a setting that determines whether the Primary address should be used or some other one...

Thank you.
Alexis Wilke

gagarine’s picture

In my opinion, you should use Content Profile with http://drupal.org/project/onepageprofile . Proximity search without using MySQL Spatial extension can be slow.

I made a howto for geo, view and proximity search but in french only http://listentothis.net/drupal/recherche-de-proximite-avec-les-modules-v...

An other approach will be using solr.