exclude_node_title 8.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Contributors (1)

Vorona Olya


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 8.x-1.2:


exclude_node_title 7.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Add exclude_node_title() function to easily determine if a node title should be excluded.
  • Issue #2291767 by SpaJenniOs, fizk: PHP Error when exclude_settings variable is missing key
  • Issue #2196877 by DarrellDuane, fizk: ENT causes error in 404 error pages
  • Issue#1459694 Alan D.: Use the new node_type_get_names() function.
  • Issue #2209539: Title is a required field, so we must not exclude it when creating a new node.

exclude_node_title 7.x-1.7

Bug fixes


  • #2041959: Add an ellipsis to "All nodes" and "User defined nodes", and dynamically change the "Exclude from:" label to either "Exclude title from all nodes in the following view modes:" or "Exclude title from user defined nodes in the following view modes:".
  • #1512894: Hide the title from node add/edit forms.
  • #1751806 cristinawithout, yannickoo: Add compatibility with Display Suite.
  • Use hook_preprocess_node() instead of hook_node_view() so that $node->title is not directly altered.
  • Use hook_preprocess_search_result() to remove the node title from search results.
  • Hide the node title produced by the Drupal-core overlay module.
  • #1645344 gease: Remove backticks in SQL query to support Postgres.
  • #1800326 jucallme: Control the field's position on the node edit form.

exclude_node_title 7.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Fixed recent bugs, and made additional type checks on variables.

exclude_node_title 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes

Something went wrong in Git last time. Download this version as complementary to 7.x-1.4

exclude_node_title 7.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

We have better control over Conten types. Thanks @iMiksu for the patch at #1155272
Had several bugfixes, and added new features.

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.7

New features
Bug fixes

Made a new stable release with all the bugfixes pending and some little improvements.

I will move now forward to Drupal 7 Issue queue and work there the Feature requests for both 7.x and 6.x


exclude_node_title 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Added module configuration link.
Full internationalization support.

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Adjusted permissions alter in .install
Fixed full internationalization support.

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

#1060596 bugfix in .install file
#1060106 bugfix content-type

exclude_node_title 7.x-1.x-dev

Drupal 7 release, based on code from http://drupal.org/node/1057044#comment-4076708 Thanks to @droath

I updated permissions table to `use exclude node title` rather than `ignore node title exclusions`.

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.2

I updated user permissions to `use exclude node title` rather than `ignore exclude node title` and updated the permissions table accordingly. Please see http://drupal.org/node/1021222

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.1

New features

Added permissions support.
You have the following list of permissions:
- administer exclude node title
- exclude any node title
- exclude own node title
- ignore node title exclusions

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.0

New features

Added support for excluding title on a per content type basis.
Bug fixes:
- fixed node add form to display exclude node title off by default

exclude_node_title 6.x-1.x-dev

Contains all the basic features:
- checkbox for hide / show title in node edit pages
- edit excluded nodes from admin page
- hide / show excluded titles from node teasers too

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