First, thanks for the great module! I have a video player with a playlist on the same page as your comment block. Each video is associated with a node and my goal is for the comments to change as each video plays in the playlist. I got the comment block to change when the playlist goes to the next video use this ajax call:

function sendCommentAjax(nid){
	var target = ".view-dom-id-1";
	var currLink = "/views/ajax?js=1&page=1&view_name=comments&view_display_id=block_1&view_args="+nid+"&view_path=node%2F"+nid+"&view_base_path=null&view_dom_id=1&pager_element=0";
	                url: currLink,
	                type: 'GET',
	                //data: nid,
	                success: function(response) {
	                  if (response.__callbacks) {
	                    $.each(response.__callbacks, function(i, callback) {
	                      eval(callback)(target, response);
	                error: function() { alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': ajax_path})); },
	                dataType: 'json'

I am grabbing the nid from the playlist. Now I need to make another ajax call that refreshes the form block so that its action is:


I tried just replacing the action with

var actionUrl = "/comment/reply/"+nid;

But I guess that doesn't jive with all the hidden element tokens. So how would I go about refreshing this form so I can submit comments to the newly refreshed view?