Has anyone done a comparison of the features of the various image modules?

There seem to be big overlaps between the various modules, but documentation often doesn't help to distinguish between them. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the various offerings? Why would you choose one rather than another?

Your experiences would be useful - or maybe there's another thread out there that I've missed?


suit4’s picture

Lullabot has a nice comparison.

I don't know if that covers your needs.
Anyway I decided to use the imagecache variant.

mactoph’s picture

Be sure to read the comments as well at:

Review of current Image handling modules

Minty’s picture

Thanks for this pointer to http://drupal.org/node/58685

I'm adding module IMCE http://drupal.org/project/imce to the thread. It provides a quick and easy way for clients to insert images in posts when they are using TinyMCE. Thye can either select previously uploaded inages, or can upload on the fly. Readme notes say it also works for other text areas.

For individual clients who need to do bulk uploads from Windows machines, Image publishing http://drupal.org/project/image_pub seems to be a good answer.