Ok, my site is basicly a website for Flash designers, we make animation in flash, and i was wondering, that if there was a way that everytime someone uploaded a .swf file it would be added to a page called The Gallery, like, i create a new node and upload an animation i made called "The End of the World"
and there is a description.

Then afterwards i go to the Gallery and in the list of all animations there mine is it would look like this:

An animation - desicription
An animation - desicription
An animation - desicription
An animation - desicription
An animation - desicription
An animation - desicription
The End of the World - A short animation about the end of the world

How would i do this?
Please please help, because this is one of the main reasons i got drupal


seanenroute’s picture

I think you can use the Acidfree module to do this.

WoadMan’s picture

i installed acid free, hard to understand what it does, still testing it out, thanks though

mdixoncm’s picture

Perhaps you can do this with taxonomy? Create a new category called "animations" then when you create your new node and put it into the animations category - then your taxonomy listing page for "animations" would list all the animations ...

not sure if that helps ??


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WoadMan’s picture

That seems logical