custom_breadcrumbs 1.1.1

Bug fixes
New features

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Contributors (2)

dineshkumarbollu, Vj


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 1.1.0:

custom_breadcrumbs 7.x-2.x-dev

This is a (partial) port of the 6.x-2.x version to Drupal 7. This has not yet been thoroughly tested. It is not intended to be used on a production site, but those who are inclined to test and contributed are encouraged to test, report bugs, and contribute patches via the issue queue.

custom_breadcrumbs 7.x-1.0-alpha1

This is the first official Drupal 7 release of Custom Breadcrumbs. It is a port of the 6.x-1.x branch. Please make sure to test this release thoroughly before using on a production site.

custom_breadcrumbs 6.x-2.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

Run update.php after upgrading to beta3.

Special identifiers are now provided through a separate module, custom_breadcrumbs_identifiers, which will automatically be enabled via update.php. If you do not want to use special identifiers you can disable this module. See the Readme.txt file for additional details.

Changes since beta2:


  • #734758 by andyceo and MGN: Fix typos on module pages and README.txt file. Improve documentation.
  • #721708 by dereine and MGN: Use display_plugin name to identify allowed displays for custom breadcrumbs.
  • #714450 by marrch_caat and MGN: Use drupal_clone to prevent node data from being corrupted by PHP snippet evaluation.
  • #723704 by MGN: Fix assignment of template breadcrumb variable.
  • #701902 by MGN: Do not attempt to validate form if php is used in titles and paths.
  • #691512 by MGN and greg.harvey: Decode HTML entities in title.
  • #627792 by MGN: Move hook_init code into hook_preprocess.

custom_breadcrumbs 7.x-1.x-dev

This is a Drupal 7 development release of custom breadcrumbs that parallels the 6.x-1.x branch

custom_breadcrumbs 6.x-2.0-beta1

New features

First Beta release of Custom Breadcrumbs 2.0.

Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier 6.x-2.x-dev release you will likely get the following error message when you run update.php.

custom_breadcrumbs 6.x-2.x-dev

New features

Custom Breadcrumbs 6.x.2.x development branch. This is likely to change often and may be unstable for some time. Testers are welcome to try it, but be warned that this is new code and not fit for a production site.

If you are upgrading from an earlier 6.x-2.x-dev release prior to September 30, 2009 you will likely get the following error message when you run update.php.

* user warning: Duplicate key name 'language' query: ALTER TABLE custom_breadcrumb ADD INDEX language (language) in /home/xxx/html/includes/ on line 434.
* user warning: Duplicate key name 'node_language' query: ALTER TABLE custom_breadcrumb ADD INDEX node_language (node_type, language) in /home/xxxxx/html/includes/ on line 434.
* user warning: Duplicate column name 'name' query: ALTER TABLE custom_breadcrumb ADD `name` VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT NULL in /home/xxxxx/html/includes/ on line 298.

You can safely ignore these warnings! The module will work fine after the upgrade. The updates failed because you had already updated your database by using the earlier 6.x-2.x-dev version. Unfortunately, some of the updates in 6.x-2.x-dev had to be renumbered to make the update from the 6.x-1.x branch work properly.

custom_breadcrumbs 6.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Fixes minor bugs and adds the ability to set the active menu trail for a node based on the defined breadcrumb. This ensures that primary and secondary navigation menus will reflect the fact that the current node is beneath a given URL.

custom_breadcrumbs 6.x-1.3


The Drupal 6 version of Custom Breadcrumbs. All functionality is the same, but some minor tweaking and splitting of the administrative pages should make it a touch more memory efficient.

custom_breadcrumbs 5.x-1.2

Fixes a number of display problems on view listings pages, and allows optional breadcrumb entries (if the title evaluates to empty, skip it).

custom_breadcrumbs 5.x-1.1

Removed the dependency on token.module: breadcrumbs can be built without it, but link titles and paths must be static.

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