I created two Content-Types, Gallery and Photo (via CCK with Gallery node-reference in Photo content-type) so that Photos can be inserted into a Gallery (A Gallery contains multiple Photos).

Using the default Nodeaccess setting, Anonymous & Authenticated roles have view-access to all of my Gallery-nodes and Photo-nodes.

Now, when I remove view-access for Anonymous & Authenticated roles in one of my Galleries (via Grant), the Photos which are inside it, can still be accessed by Anonymous & Authenticated roles.

The permission of those Photos should be automatically updated when the referenced Gallery has its permission changed...


theshanergy’s picture

This is old but I have the same need - did you ever find what you were looking for?

I came across http://drupal.org/project/nodeaccess_nodereference but it looks like it works the other way around, passing the grants to a referenced node, rather than getting grants from the referenced node..

bonn’s picture

well, it was long time ago (not remembered) :-),..

but we kinda solved it by manually adding needed codes into the module nodeaccess. So, upon changing the gallery permission, the code traverses the photo (referencing node) and update the permission accordingly.