I'm using the Category module to create a few containers and give each a single category. I've set each container to accept a single corresponding node type I've created with CCK, and to require that its single category be assigned to it. This works like it should, when I create one of these nodes it shows the category assignment menu with the appropriate category as its only option.

But the category assignment doesn't seem to be saved. When I look at the category table of contents, it says "There are currently no posts in this category." And when I filter the content list by category, the nodes that should have been assigned don't show up.

I've noodled with everything I can think of. Can anybody help?


venkat-rk’s picture

Have you checked the options in the container's category_display settings to show the links to assigned nodes and to display the nodes?

jascha’s picture

That's all set correctly, and I don't think the category listing is the problem... like I said when I filter the content list by category, none of the categories seem to have been saved.

jascha’s picture

Could anybody point me to which table I should check to see if the categories are being saved in reference to the right nodes?