In the moment there is no easy interface to change the group manager, the group manager is the author of the group-node.


Andy Inman’s picture

Assigned: Unassigned » Andy Inman

Seems like a good idea, thanks for the suggestion. There's probably a module around somewhere that allows you to change node ownership, but it does seem like a logical feature to have in GA. I guess it would work in a similar way to the "promote to admin" operation, but with separate access control (to control who is allowed to change the manager.)

Andy Inman’s picture

Just wondering how this might work from UI perspective....

Where right now we have add, promote etc, there could be a third link, make manager or something like that. But that seems messy to me, for a feature that would probably be used very rarely. It could be shown only against members who are already admins, or only shown when viewing the list of admins - but I don't really like the idea of a third link there.

Another way might be to have a checkbox on the confirmation page for "promote" to make the user manager rather than just admin. That seems like a better method to me, the only problem being that there is now (in 2.2. beta) an option to bypass that page. So, would need to extend functionality there, maybe allow the confirmation to be bypassed for some operations such as add/remove but not promote/demote.

Any comments?