Is it possible to subscribe to event notifications for Lightbox2, so that we can run custom JS when the lightbox is displayed / closed / etc?

How are people handling this currently>


xurizaemon’s picture

Title: Event notification on Lightbox display » Add jQuery.trigger() calls to Lightbox so we can subscribe to Lightbox events (show, hide, preload etc)
Category: support » feature

Found a solution to my initial question via StackOverflow.

I wanted to fire Drupal.zipcart.init() after the Lightbox was displayed.

Extend the Lightbox.updateNav function so it fires a custom event when called. This code can be added to site custom JS, and doesn't require patching Lightbox2 module.

  var _updateNav = Lightbox.updateNav;
  Lightbox.updateNav = function () {
    // this bind can probably happen any time after 
    // div#lightbox is added to the DOM
    $('#lightbox').bind('lightbox.updateNav', function() {
    _updateNav.apply(this, arguments);

Would be great to add some jQuery trigger() calls to Lightbox2 so this is simpler for people to do. For now, the above code works for me.

lobo235’s picture

I would agree that adding jQuery trigger() calls to Lightbox2 would be highly beneficial. If my case, I need to use jQuery to modify the contents of the lightbox once it has been loaded via ajax.

onelittleant’s picture

I would recommend that the following Lightbox functions trigger events:

- start
- end
- pause
- togglePlayPause
- changeData

Thanks to grobot above. We used this approach to attach custom Google Analytics events to lightbox actions by hijacking the Lightbox.start function:

$(document).ready(function() {
	var _lbStart = Lightbox.start;
	Lightbox.start = function(imageLink, slideshow, lightframe, lightvideo, lightmodal) {
	    // Start lightbox
	    _lbStart.apply(this, arguments);

	    // Track video/lifestyle view w/GA event.
	if($(imageLink).hasClass('emvideo-thumbnail-replacement')) {
	    	if(_gaq) _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Product Media', 'Video View', $(imageLink).attr('title'), 0]);
	    if($(imageLink).hasClass('lifestyle')) {
	    	if(_gaq) _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Product Media', 'Lifestyle View', $(imageLink).attr('title'), 0]);
yukare’s picture

Please, can you work on a real patch for this? If someone provides a patch to do this on lightbox in a general way(meaning that it works for all cases and not for a specific site/module) because there are many issues how to do things like this, and if we have a simple way to all cases, will be good.

I plan to make a new 6.12 release at the end of month.