
For my purposes, the content type "book page" works well, but the name is completely unintuitive, since the content will not be considered a "book."

In an effort to make the usage of the website as easy as possible, I would like to make a module that behaves just like the book page module, but is called something different, such as "info page" or something like that.

I tried the locale module, and I seem to be running into problems with that.

So, I would like to try this:

However, I am just wondering what will happen when I upgrade (eventually) to Drupal 5.0. Will I simply have to repeat the process with the new module, or will there be more and difficult work. Since I am not good at coding, I want to make sure upgrading won't be a big issue.

I hope this is clear enough.


sillygwailo’s picture

The book module adds both a content type and an outline, but you don't need to use the content type to use the outline. Lemme explain. You enable the book module, but use another module such as Page, and create individual pages. Then you click the 'outline' tab and add those pages to an outline. If all you want are pages, and no outline, just use Page. Remember that module names are just that: names. You can use them for whatever purpose you like (as long as they give you that functionality, of course).

Check out CCK, which lets you create new content types, from simple to complex. It's available for 4.7 as well as 5. In Drupal 5 you can create new content types, but they're fairly simple. You'd need CCK to do anything more complex.

If you need listings of the new content types you create, look into using the Views module.

(Username formerly my full name, Richard Eriksson.)

crbassett’s picture

I never realized that with the whole "outline" feature. I think I will do that.

I have tried CCK, and would like to use it, but it seems that on every site on which I enable it, it causes some kind of conflict with something or other and brings me a lot of error messages. Maybe I have just had bad luck with it all, but it seems like CCK is at times an poor solution, in that it doesn't seem to play well with other modules. Of course, it is just as likely that the other modules don't play well with it. I am not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination, so I can't go digging to fix things.

But thanks for this suggestion here, this will be perfect. I appreciate it!