I've recently upgraded to 4.7, but have noticed that my forums aren't working properly.

I've created Containers and Forums, but when I go to Create Content >> Forum Topics there's no option to associate a topic with a forum or container.

Then, if I go to example.com/forum/123 and create a forum topic, it's still not associated with a forum.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something? And, if it is a bug, is there an easy way round?


pwolanin’s picture

More details please- you upgraded to 4.7 from which version? Are you using 4.7.4?

Did you run the update.php script when you replaced the Drupal files?

Work: BioRAFT

divrom’s picture

I'm using 4.7.4 and I did run the update.php scripts.

cog.rusty’s picture

It seems that the forum module does not recognize its vocabulary.

Take a look at the "forums" vocabulary under /admin/taxonomy. Is it the original forum vocabulary created by the forum module itself?

Drupal 4.6 used to allow some settings which were removed in 4.7 because they were causing problems.
What do you see in the forums vocabulary page? Is the "forum topic" content type selected and greyed out so that you can't change it? Are the simple/multiple hierarchy and multiple select/free tagging options missing? If it contains all the options found in any vocabulary, then it is not a proper forums vocabulary.

Look at the ID of this vocabulary and check your variables table in the database to see whether this is the ID of the forums vocabulary. And of course don't change anything directly on your live site's database before testing somewhere else.


Edit: If everything seems correct with the forums vocabulary and the only problem is that you don't see a dropdown list for selecting a forum in the edit form, then also check for any installed contributed access control modules which make some taxonomy categories unavailable.

divrom’s picture

Thanks for the suggestions, but none of that worked.

It seems that it's not a proper forum vocabulary. However, even if I start a new container and forum, forum posts are not associated with them. However, I've bit the bullet and installed uieforum; that seems to be working with no problems for me.

cog.rusty’s picture

Heh, I wouldn't call them suggestions. Rather suggested questions.
But if you have a working forum now, everything is ok I guess.