userA edits page1
userB edits page2
uploads a file
saves node
get following message

The content on this page has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications using this form. As a result, your changes cannot be saved.

file upload could/should check the concurrent editing before allowing to upload ??


GiorgosK’s picture

not that this produces file uploads that still exist in database/file system
but can't be referenced from anywhere (I believe)

Alan D.’s picture

If this is similar to the old Drupal 6 version, there should be a status value in the file_managed table. And this should be set to 0, as the form was never saved. Then after the timeout period and cron.php is run, the file and db record should get deleted.

If this happens, then this issue should be marked as by design, otherwise it is a bug.