I have two Drupal web sites on Fantastico, and upgraded from v4.72 and 4.73 to 4.74. I didn't heed the warning about added modules and themes, but everything seems to have worked fine after I restored those. See my posting (3rd one down at http://netenberg.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4876 ).

I was following the protocol of putting my changes into sites/default/themes and sites/default/modules . I've seen the posting on "Use the /sites directory to keep Drupal tidy" at http://drupal.org/node/53705 ... but I'm not doing multi-site.

Should I actually not be putting my changes into the "default" directory, and should I really create a new subdirectory for mysite.com? I'm not sure if the wiping out of sites/default/themes and sites/default/modules is part of the Fantastico upgrade that would otherwise be avoided by putting in a new subdirectory.


VM’s picture

the modules folder and themes folder shouldnt get wiped out with an upgrade.
however, if you customized a default theme and didnt change the title of the folder, it will be overwritten.
example, customized bluemarine, left as bluemarine will get over written.

This is of course provided fantastico doesnt do anything drastic. I've never used it, as in my opinion, its having yet another variable when problems occur that seems an unnecessary variable.