I'm thinking about a nice way to let visitors suggest a topic I should write about on my website.

What would you guys suggest for this? Point users to an email form? Or is there a way to just provide for example a textfield (I'm thinking of CCK here maybe) and let them submit topics to my system (without having this stuff published on my website!) The list of topics should be accessible by moderators only, so they can have an "inbox" so to say, where suggested topics can be viewed...

If it's unclear what I want, let me know?

Peace out!


mdixoncm’s picture

I think either the webforms or the survey module should do everything you need ... (personally i prefer the webforms module) ... you can view the responses on the site, or have an email sent to you whenever a response is posted ...



jorre’s picture

thanks for the tip

this module looks nice, but there is a post created to my frontpage for this, and that's what I don't want. I want to create a link somewhere on my page myself, that just points to a created form...

is this possible with this module?
The form is created the way it should...

mdixoncm’s picture

On the form you created, if you click edit then go to the bottom and expan the publishing options section you should see a section that says "promoted to front page" ... uncheck that and the node won't appear on your front page ...

Now you need to create a link to this node - make a note of the URL of the node (will be something like node/1232) - and use this to add a new primary or secondary link, or a new menu item. If you a bit more flexibility then just hard code the link into your theme ...

