Hi -
I love CSS Injector and am using it to swap out page backgrounds in a new client site. Unfortunately, I just realized that it is not working in Internet Explorer 7 and 8. What am I missing - how do I make it work in these browsers? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated -


lfrey’s picture

Also - I have 'screen' chosen under the media tab, and preprocess css checked. I noticed that in other browsers, the css injector file is processed last, but in IE7/8 it's processed at the top of the list. This is probably the problem, but I don't know how to make it process at the end of the css load, not the beginning.

Thanks - greatly appreciated.

lfrey’s picture

(answer from Randy - thanks again!)

But it's probable that you haven't made your CSS rule specific enough, or added !important to it. In the current D6 version, theme CSS lands after module CSS (which means that your theme's css comes out after and has some priority over the css_injector css). So in CSS the most specific rule wins... but if they're tied, the last loading one wins. You need to make more specific or add !important.

You may want to try the excellent sweaver, which actually loads the CSS at the end, as well. It gives you a fancy interface, and also lets you add custom css.


rfay’s picture

Thanks, lfrey. Please report back.

rfay’s picture

For "media" try using "all". Turn off preprocess until you get it working. In fact, turn off CSS preprocessing completely in the admin/settings/performance until you get everything working. There are still some bugs in that algorithm.

rfay’s picture

Oh, it will help to help you (if you get farther) if you post here the css that's being overridden and the css you're trying to override it with.

Do you know how to use firebug to look at these things? If not, you have to have it. Free from getfirebug.com.