I am tinkering with a site that has several sub-domains as separate site sections, one each for a specific group in a large community. Urls will be like http://ngos.example.com, http://companies.example.com etc. The home page (www.example.com) will act as the community's portal to content on the sub-domains.

The site will have both group-specific and common content types and vocabularies. Read access will be global after registration, but content posting will be restricted.

I know one can share modules and vocabularies across domains, but what beats my understanding is how to ensure that group-specific content can be posted to only a specific domain? I mean, is there an interface in drupal to do this at all?



gdev’s picture

I posted this question some time ago and got no reply though ... So I am starting to wonder if this is possible or not. ...


cog.rusty’s picture

Hmm... tricky... The nodes tables must be shared if any nodes have to be shared. The taxonomy tables must be shared too or else the different sites will be picking irrelevant terms which happen to have the same numeric tid.

I think the key is TAC and different user role assignment tables with different TAC permissions. Shared roles tables because the uids are numeric. Shared user tables too; TAC doesn't care about users but shared content could cause inconsistencies regarding the author. Sessions... I am not sure. It needs a lot of testing....

Except if OG can do any tricks with subdomains, but I don't see how.

rays’s picture

Not sure if this gets you where you need to be, but check out:

  • Organic Groups - may be able to accomplish restricted content creation with the OG Roles module
  • Multiple Sites from a single codebase will get you sites for each subdomain... then use the CAS module to authenticate across multiple sites. Then establish unique user roles for each subdomain drupal install.
  • Hope this helps.
