My site has a lot of book and movie reviews, and so I'm trying to find a way to put italics in the title as in having a story title be:

A Classic Revisitted: War and Peace

I can see that the database stores the title with HTML, so it must get stipped out at some point in the template process. Anyone know where?


coreyp_1’s picture

Line 581 of in theme_node() is:

    $output .= t('%title by %name', array('%title' => '<h2 class="title">'. check_plain($node->title) .'</h2>', '%name' => theme('username', $node)));

The check_plain() is what is causing your problem.

Since this is a themed function, you can override it withou changing any core files. Just use any of the normal override techniques ( or

- Corey

BrendanHodge’s picture

Hmmm, thanks. Yeah I managed late last night to hack a change in which got me through, but I figured there was a better way to do it. Guess I need to study up on creating one of these template.php files...

Thanks again!