
Publish a message to a channel.

Required arguments:

module: the module that the channel belongs to
channel_name: The target channel.
payload: Any object that can be serialized in json
Optional Form Variables:

originator: The name of the user who will appear to do the publish
Returns object: details


Add a user to a channel.

Required arguments:

module: the module that owns the channel
channel_name: The target channel.
name: The name of the target user.
Returns json:

[ success (boolean) , details (object) ]

Client Requests URL:

Server Replies:

[ true, {} ]
And the user “mcarter” is subscribed to the channel “testing”.


Remove a user from a channel.

Required arguments:

module: the module that the channel belongs to
channel_name: The target channel.
name: The name of the target user.
Returns json:

[ success (boolean) , details (object) ]

Client Requests URL:

Server Replies:

[ true, {} ]
And the user “mcarter” is unsubscribed from the channel “testing”.


Returns all settings and attributes of a channel.

Required arguments:

module: the module that the channel belongs to
channel_name: The target channel.
Returns json:

[ success (boolean) , details (object) ]


Client Requests URL:

Server Replies:

"name": "testing",
"options": {
"anonymous": false,
"history": [
"user": "mcarter"
"payload": "good day",
"user": "mcarter"
"payload": "was gibt es?",
"user": "mcarter"
"history_size": 5,
"moderated": false,
"moderated_publish": true,
"moderated_subscribe": true,
"moderated_unsubscribe": true,
"polling": {
"form": {},
"interval": 5,
"mode": "",
"originator": "",
"url": ""
"presenceful": true,
"reflective": true
"subscribers": [


Set the options on a channel.

Required arguments:

module: the module that the channel belongs to
channel_name: The target channel.
Optional Form Variables:

anonymous: json boolean
history: json list in the proper history format
history_size: json integer
moderated: json boolean
moderated_publish: json boolean
moderated_subscribe: json boolean
moderated_unsubscribe: json boolean
polling: json object in the proper polling format
presenceful: json boolean
reflective: json boolean
state: json object

Client Requests URL:

Server Replies:

[ true, {} ]
The history_size of the channel is now 2, and presenceful is false.






Sets a key in a channel’s state object. If the key already exists it is replaced, and if not it is created.

Required arguments:

module: the module that the channel belongs to
channel_name: The target channel.
Optional Form Variables:

key: The target key in the state
val: any valid json structure; it will be the new value of the given key on the state

Client Requests URL:

/rest/state_set_key?secret=yo&channel_name=testing&key=score&val={ "mcarter": 5, "desmaj": 11 }
Server Replies:

[ true, {} ]
The state of the channel now contains the key “testing” with the value { “mcarter”: 5, “desmaj”: 11 }. An onState javascript callback will be issued to all subscribers; They will be able to access subscription.state.score.mcarter and will see the value 5.


Removes a key from the state of a channel. If the key doesn’t exist then nothing happens.

Required arguments:

module: the module that the channel belongs to
channel_name: The target channel.
Optional Form Variables:

key: The target key in the state to delete

Client Requests URL:

Server Replies:

[ true, {} ]
The state of the channel no longer contains the key “score”. An onState callback will be issued to all subscribers.


Update certain configuration parameters (mostly webhook related options) immediately without restarting hookbox.

Required arguments:

Optional Form Variables:

cbhost: json string
cbport: json integer
cbpath: json string
cb_connect: json string
cb_disconnect: json string
cb_create_channel: json string
cb_destroy_channel: json string
cb_subscribe: json string
cb_unsubscribe: json string
cb_publish: json string
cb_single_url: json string
admin_password: json string
webhook_secret: json string
rest_secret: json string

Client Requests URL:

Server Replies:

[ true, {} ]
The callback host is now set to and the port is now 80.