Hi everybody,

I'm running a Drupal-based (with taxonomy enabled) website and so far it's been great to work with Drupal but now I have a very specific need and I'm kinda stuck.

I'd like to display a page with all vocabulary terms grouped by vocabulary, something with a layout like:

| Flowers                                       |    => vocabulary name
| A flower is a nice plant.                     |    => vocabulary description
| Rose                          |  9 posts      |    => Vocabulary term (link) and number of nodes
| Tulip                         |   15 posts    |     
| Animal                                        |
| An animal is like a living and moving         |
| Lion                          | 10 posts      |
| Dog                           | 6 posts       |

My question is: is there a way to do that with views? Could anyone help me on that because I've tried many different approaches but I couldn't get it?


VM’s picture

Take a quick look at the view_bonus.module and the panels module.

daneel-1’s picture

First of all, thanks a lot for this hint. Indeed, by combinig views with lineage modules I managed to get one step closer to what I'm trying to achieve. By using "Lineage: nested taxonomy summary" as a view type, I can have a list of terms with the number of posts for each term between parentheses. Now I still have a few problems to fix:

  • Instead of an unordered list, I would need a table
  • I would like terms to be grouped by vocabulary
  • I still have one issue with links: when I click on a term in the list, I get to another list with only one term (the one I just clicked on) instead of getting directly to the list of posts tagged with this term.

Does it mean I have to build my own view type? And if yes, what do I have to do to get there?


VM’s picture

you very well may have to build your own view, heres the handbook page with many a snippet, which will either suffice or help you build your own snippet. http://drupal.org/node/47412