If i upload a new image it loades an entire new form to add a page? This can't be right i think :s


cog.rusty’s picture

Heh, the eternal question of right and wrong... It depends on how you intend to use your images.

If the images are to be available for other nodes to reuse, then they don't belong only to your current node, so the images need their own management metainformation. One way to achieve this is to give them a node of their own. That's what the Image module does and what the Image Assist module retrieves.

If all you need is attach an image to your current node, then the Inline module may be more suitable.

mech7’s picture

this is complicated isn't there a module which simply allows me to upload images and i get an overview (thumbs) of images and can select one for in the editor? (like all other image managers)

cog.rusty’s picture

You are probably right on that one. Even if it is a node, the user should not have to deal with one more node edit form.

There are several other modules for images which work differently but I haven't sorted out all of them. Recently I read this. Pretty interesting.

It's the Drupal way. The webmaster needs to take some pain to create the Lego puzzle which will make the users happy.