I make some module translation for the 4.7 version, I commit all my .po file in the Po directory but when i tray to tag my file I receive:

cvs tag -F -l "/drupal-contrib-4-7/drupal-4-7" "/drupal-contrib-4-7/modules/poormanscron/po/it.po"
** ERROR: invalid tag for this directory:
** contributions/modules/poormanscron/po
cvs tag: Pre-tag check failed
cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above errors first!
The server reported an error while performing the "cvs tag" command. (took 0:00.750)
Error: drupal-contrib-4-7: cvs tag: Pre-tag check failed
Error: drupal-contrib-4-7: cvs [tag aborted]: correct the above errors first!

What is Wrong? I must have particular permission to tag my file?

Thanks Uccio

Ps: I have many translation to commit and tag