Function used: install_flag_add_flag()

This function accepts an array of options, some of which may need an explanation. Here is a list of the possible keys, value types and some notes:

  • name: machine friendly name of the flag
  • title: user friendly name of the flag
  • content_type: is it a node, or a user that can be flagged? value 'node', or 'user' respectively.
  • flag_long: long text displayed when content is shown and not yet flagged
  • unflag_long: long test displayed when content is shown and flagged
  • flag_message: message displayed to the user when flagging something
  • unflag_message: message displayed to the user when unflagging something
  • flag_short: short flag message
  • unflag_short: short unflag message
  • roles: an array of roles names who can use this flag, e.g.: array('authenticated user') for authenticated users only.
  • types: if this is a node flag, then an array (or a string if its just one) of node types this flag will show on.

Example usage to create a flag that marks product (for ubercart for instance) as "wishlisted" for the user:

$data = array(
  'name' => 'wishlist',
  'title' => 'Wishlist',
  'content_type' => 'node',
  'roles' => array('authenticated user'),
  'types' => 'product'
  'flag_long' => 'Add to wishlist',
  'unflag_long' => 'Remove from wishlist',
  'flag_message' => 'Product added to your Wishlist',
  'unflag_message' => 'Product removed from your Wishlist',
  'flag_short' => 'Add to wishlist',
  'unflag_short' => 'delete',
