I ran a "patch

This is the patch that adds "form_token()" to each form on the site to make sure that XSS isn't happening.

The problem is that I am using the xtemplate engine. I cannot figure out how to patch the search box on the top righthand side of my site to include a "form_token()". The search box code is hardcoded into the template, and I can't get any PHP code to execute in there. I have looked through the source for the xtemplate engine and can't figure out where I can insert a call to form_token().

There must be some other people out there who are running xtemplate on 4.6 and have run into this issue.

I was able to patch the other forms on my site without a problem, but this is kililng me! The standard search form is fine, but the search box on the top right is still broke.


Heine’s picture

tott’s picture

Thank you both for the quick response! Perfecto

VM’s picture

you didnt mention what theme you were using , but i noticed this patch http://drupal.org/node/90514 which may help ?