I just followed the upgrade instructions from the handbook to upgrade from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4 and now I'm not sure I did everything right. For one, it seemed a little too easy, and that makes me uneasy, if you can believe it.

1. backed up the current database and exported it to my desktop.
2. downloaded and unpacked the contents of 4.7.4 to my computer, updated the settings.php file with my username, password, and database name
3. ftp'd the files and folders over to the public_html folder where I previously had 4.7.3 installed, choosing to overwrite all duplicate files.
4. logged back into the site, expecting none of the extra modules to be there, but they were there and enabled. I'm assuming this is because I didn't delete everything from the public_html folder previously.

On a sidenote, how can I change the name of my database? I tried doing it via phpmyadmin but was denied access for some reason. I had named it drupal473 but would like to rename it something more generic to avoid any possible confusion with version numbers.


ac’s picture

It sounds like it worked perfectly. You would know about it pretty quickly if it failed. Some modules may be affected as there were apparently small API changes, but if you aren't getting any errors then everything is working fine.

Alex Cochrane
Spoon Media

utterly_lost’s picture

if you're using 5.1 (and mysql)

RENAME {DATABASE | SCHEMA} db_name TO new_db_name; (see:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/rename-database.html)

personally I'd just do

mysqldump -u [username] -p drupal473 > drupal.dump
mysqladmin -u [username] -p create drupal
mysql -u [username] -p drupal < drupal.dump

check your permissions in the grants table if you're changing anyting here (same as setting up for the first time, but this should be unaffected), change the settings file, check everything works ok and then (and only then)

mysqladmin -u [username] -p drop drupal473



killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Sounds ok. Note that there is a known error in profile module: http://drupal.org/node/90056
You cannot change your database name without the proper administrator access level.
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